Don't ask me why, but I wanted Dominick to have a Valentine's Day outfit to wear to daycare on Valentine's Day. All the stuff I found at Old Navy looked a little too girlie. Then lucky me found the perfect outfit at Baby Gap. The hat and shirt both say "Prince Charming".
Dominick most certainly is my PRINCE CHARMING. Even though he isn't so charming when he's slapping me in the face or kicking me during his diaper changes, he's still is and always will be my handsome PRINCE.
My little man gettin' his groove on!
Okay, let me explain a little about Jon (hubby). He really, really likes jewelry and as a child and teenager, his family would take him to their jeweler and he'd tell them what he wanted and it was usually custom made. Nothing extravagant, but it was always unique and special to him because it was exactly what he wanted. That is a little odd to me because my parents weren't that into jewelry. So anyway, Jon decided he wanted Dominick to have a diamond cross pendant (but never mentioned it to me). He went to a jeweler and told him exactly what he wanted and they ordered it for him. Then he came home Friday, put the cross pendant on Dominick's neck, without me knowing, and kept saying "Dominick, go to Momma". I wasn't paying any attention to him until Dominick crawled over to me and I saw a necklace hanging from his little neck. I was a little surprised and thought it was a fake necklace at first. Now that I sit back and think about it, I'm surprised that it took Jon this long to buy a piece of jewelry for Dominick.

Here's the pendant, yes they are real diamonds but they are pretty small so it really wasn't all that expensive. I told Jon I thought it was maybe a little girlie and that it would have been better just all gold, no diamonds. But he said he didn't care because he likes diamonds and that the jeweler said it was for a boy.

How do you like my new Bling-Bling Momma??? I'm glad you don't mind that Daddy is buying the jewelry for me now instead of you.
By the way, Dominick suddenly started calling Jon Daddy instead of Dada. I don't know how he figured it out because I usually refer to Jon as Dada, but it's really cute. Dominick is totally in love with Jon now. As many of you may remember, he wasn't so fond of Jon at first, but now he really loves is Daddy.