Monday, January 22, 2007


Haven't had much time to post or take pictures. I was laid out ALL weekend with a stomach virous. That was soooooo miserable. Jon and I were both sick and had no one to help us with Dominick who is also still sick. Then today, when I got home from picking Dominick up from daycare, I read the little note they send home everyday telling me what he ate, etc. It said that he only had one bottle at 3:00 P.M.!!!! SAY WHAT??? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME RIGHT???? So I called them and they explained that his regular care taker left for a few hours to go to the Dr. and this other lady (idiot) watched him and didn't know his schedule and when his regular teacher came back she hadn't realized that he hadn't been given a bottle. When she realized at 3:00 she gave him one. So I called the owner and she's supposed to call me back tomorrow. All I could do is cry. My child went 9 HOURS with nothing to drink. OH MY GOD, I cannot believe this!!! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I really like the 2 ladies that usually watch him, but this isn't the first time I've had a problem when they weren't there. I don't want to change his routine AGAIN by switching him to a new daycare, plus last time I checked, there was no openings anywhere else. I will let you guys know what happens after I speak with the owner. I just cried and cried hoping my husband would tell me to quit working, but no luck yet. I can't describe the way I feel right now. I just feel terrible for him!

Here is Dominick playing on his Diego Car.

Notice how he puts his feet up for me to push him.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry!!! I don't know what to tell you to do...another change might be really hard, but if your concerns are great enough, you've gotta listen to your gut! hard!!!
We've been down and out too, with all kinds of yucky stuff! Hope you guys are feeling better soon!

Andrea said...

Oh, Lynn, that just BLOWS. I know it's hard to change, but trust your gut. If there are other issues, you need to do what you can. Feel better soon! This stomach virus is no good. Hang in there!!

JuJu - said...

POOR BABY BOY!!! I am so sorry Lynn, I am also sorry you guys have been sick.I am thinking about you:)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry...


Dominick's Mommy said...

Update, I spoke with the owner of the daycare and she seemed really concerned. The situation has been somewhat resolved but I am praying that God will give me some type of direction as to whether I should find a different sitter or leave him there or quit working. Please keep us in your prayers, leaving him is harder than I had anticipated and I am not a happy camper right now.

Jodi Crubaugh said...

Sorry to hear that Dominick missed his bottles... Sounds like they need to train their backups!!! I hope you all feel better soon.

Angel said...

You poor thing. That is just really awful. I would be struggling just like you are. I will pray that God will give you wisdom. I know this is a major decision. Hugs to you. Angel