Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Okay, so sorry everyone but I haven't posted because Blogger wouldn't let me. Don't know why,it just wouldn't.

Here is what has been happening:

#1 I got a call at work Monday telling me that my sweet Dominick got kicked out of daycare for 24 hours...

for having diahrea 3 times. So I got to stay home with him today and loved every minute of it!!!!! He was totally fine today, but I didn't give him any milk at all. I really think it is the milk that does that to him.

#2 Dominick has a big Easter egg hunt at church this coming Saturday, along with pony rides and a petting zoo. So he has been practicing his egg hunting skills daily. He could be a good little egg hunter if only he would keep the eggs in the basket and not throw them all back out!

#3 Jon and I celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary last Thursday. He bought me some beeeautiful roses, and a Coach purse, Coach wallet, and Coach key chain. He also gave me the OK to go out a buy a new wedding ring set which I've been wanting for a long time. I just can't make myself spend that much money at this time. But if you know me, you know I could change my mind any day on that issue. I'll keep you posted. I bought Jon a collector's set of solid gold China Bear coins (he collects them). We also went out to eat at...

Chucky Cheeses!!! Yes, quite a strange place to eat on your Anniversary.

These are making my dining room smell oh so good.

Jon picked this out all by himself. I love surprises!

Notice Little Man's hand in the left corner trying to grab my wallet off the table. He thinks my keys and wallet belong to him since he helped his Daddy pick them out. Seriously!

I have a cute story about our "Anniversary Dinner" at Chucky Cheeses. Jon wanted to have his picture taken with Dominick in a little picture booth and he redid it like 4 times b/c Dominick kept turning his head. Then he wanted me to have my picture taken with Dominick. Okay, no big deal. Then he took home a handful of the little game token coins...I didn't think anything of it. Well, a few days later he said "I want to have those pictures from Chucky Cheeses framed with one of the game token coins." And I was like "WHAT THE H-LL!" Then he said, "Do you realize what night those pictures were taken? It was on our 10th Anniversary plus that was Dominick's first time at Chucky Cheeses". And I was like "Aaawwwww, how sweet!" I must admit, I didn't think my husband could be that sentimental. I guess strange things happen to you when you become a Mommy or Daddy.

Just testing

I've been having major problems trying to post anything so this is a trial.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baby Dedication

We had our Baby Dedication this past Sunday at church. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is what our church does for new babies instead of a "christening" which is done by Catholics. Our church waits to baptise our children when they are old enough to understand. But the Dedication is just a little ceremony that welcomes the baby into the church and the parents dedicate the baby back to God, promising to raise him as a Christian and everyone in the church prays over the baby. It isn't a big deal, yet it was very special to me because that is my biggest dream for my precious Dominick; for him to serve the Lord ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE. Because I know if he's serving God,everything else in his life will fall into place. I didn't get a lot of pictures of most of the people that were there because the day was just busy and Dominick was way too busy playing to take pictures.

The blond holding Dominick is the pastor's wife and the man to her right is the pastor. The chick in the blue shirt is me and the tall dude is Jon. Everyone else to the left is our families.

It was a beautiful day so we all ate and hung out outside all day. This was the outfit Dominick wore. He got it nice and dirty playing outside all day.

Dominick loved all the attention from his cousins. He didn't take a nap and was so sleepy he laid his head on Christian's shoulder for a long time. It was so cute!!!

This is us. Dominick was having a hissy fit that we took him away from playing to take this picture.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hot Sunny Day

It was super hot on Saturday so Dominick enjoyed playing outside, picking flowers and eating them, and wearing his summer clothes. I can't believe he can still fit in this outfit.
Dominick loves this little playhouse/slide.
This is Dominick sitting in the car and pointing at his new T.V. Jon didn't want to "spoil" him but I talked him into buying a T.V. for the 3 hour drives to my parents' house. I didn't intend for the T.V. to be an everyday thing, but guess what...IT IS! Dominick points at it immediately and says "TT, TT, TT" and then hollers until I turn it on. He LOVES IT!!!!
A picture of the car DVD player. We also bought him a Diego chair, Diego pillow, and some Diego fabric which I used to sew a cover for his little nap mat at daycare. He now sleeps on a mat on the floor at daycare instead of a crib. He is doing awesome with it now but they had to hold him down (lovingly) for 30 minutes while he screamed the first time. Yikes, I'm glad I wasn't aware of that at the time. I think it is kinda funny now, he's such a tough little guy, yet the most affectionate and loving baby you'll ever meet. I just look at him everyday and think "I didn't know you could possibly love someone this much". (I think Jon got a little jealous wen I told him that)
I love this outfit from Pop and Hunnie. Dominick looked sooo cute in it Sunday for church. He likes to drink out of my fountain Diet Cokes I get everyday so I decided to try a juice box and see if he liked it. I bought a little holder for it so that he can't squeeze it and make it overflow. He LOVES this thing. He drinks the whole thing within minutes and he isn't normally a big drinker. I think he just feels like a big boy drinking out of his own real straw.
You did good buying me this juice box holder Momma. It is super cool!

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Dominick loooves to play outside. He is getting so big and grown-up, yet he is still such a baby in many ways. He is now brave enough to climb the steps to the slide with one hand while holding his new juice box in the other.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mommy's Little Helper

I was mopping last night and looked around the corner and Dominick had picked up the broom and was sweeping up a storm. He was so into it, I went to get my camera but when he saw the camera he stopped. So I kept the camera hidden and he later picked up the Swiffer mop and started mopping. It was so cute. He stopped when he realized Mickey (dog) was eating his snack.

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Here are a few pictures from our trip to the park last Sunday.