Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Growing Up To Quickly

It feels like I woke up a few weeks ago and I had a different child. Dominick has suddenly hit a new "stage" of development and I'm not so sure I like it. To give a few examples: he is extremely sassy and obnoxious, he suddenly doesn't "like girls" or want to play with them (before, his best friends were mostly girls), he tells me no and refuses to do what we tell him to and no punishment seems to help... A few weeks ago he told his teacher and each child in his class that he didn't care that he was not getting Treasure Chest because he "has better toys at home". Just now, I was folding clothes and he kept jumping over them, I told him to stop several times and them I told him "If you knock over my clothes I'm going to turn off the TV." He walked away and a minute later walked up to me and said "I hid the remote, now you can't turn off the TV Momma". WHO IS THIS CHILD??? I know this is just a new stage but I can't wait until this one is over. I'm purchasing 2 new recommended Christian based books on boundaries and discipline this weekend. Can't wait to start reading them!!!

He loves these new PJ's and wants to wear them every night, even when he is sweating. He told me this weekend, "I'm not sweating. Look Momma, do you see water dripping down me face?" (sassy boy).