Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day and THANK YOU to all you men and women in The Armed Forces. I appreciate all you do and pray for you all everyday.
My parents are so awesome, the daycare is closed tomorrow for Memorial Day but Jon and I both have to work so my parents drove 3 hours to spend the weekend with us and babysit Little Man tomorrow.
Momma, I know Daddy put you on a new budget an told you to stop spending so much money, but do you think you could maybe get my bangs cut?
This is Jon's b-day present from
Dominick. He really liked it!

I only have 4 days left of this school year, only 3 days left with my class. I hate to admit it but this year was the worse class I've ever had. But as I was typing this poem I write to each student every year, I got teary eyed and really sad. You can't help but grow attached to these students every year after spending 9 months with them and investing your heart and soul into them. This is the letter I write on cute paper with a class picture attached and then laminate it.
Dear Amy,
You're a very special person
And Amy you should know,
How I loved to be your teacher
And how fast the year did go!
We did a lot of special things-
We learned, we laughed, we cared,
I always will remember you
And all the fun we shared.
Please come back to visit me
As through the grades you grow,
Try hard to learn all that you can
There is so much to know!
The one thing I tried to teach you,
To last your whole life through
Is to know that you are special
Just because, Amy, you are you!
Mrs. Duhon
This was our "Beach Day". The first graders got to wear sunglasses and hats, have a picnic with hot dogs, and bring beach balls and sign each other's ball. We did some art activities and read books that were beach related. It was so much fun!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dadda!!!

So sorry I've been a terrible blogger lately. I've been super busy and tired with all the extra things going on at school lately. Only 9 days left then off to the Florida beaches we go, Hippeeeee!!!

Jon's 34th b-day is this coming Friday so I took Dominick to Clayfish Bisque ( a pottery place) to paint something for his Dadda. He painted a flask-looking vase thing and we put his hand print on one side. The finished product won't be ready until Sat. because they have to glaze it and fire it and stuff. It was really fun and we will definitely be going back to do more pottery in the future. I'll post a picture of the finished product next week.

This is Little Man getting ready to paintDominick is pretend painting with water here.

A lady was sponge-painting his hand to do the hand print and Dominick was not happy.
This is the vase with his hand print.

When we were finished our painting, Dominick went and sat under the counter in a booster seat and thought he was THE MAN sitting in a big-boy chair. By the way, I took off his shirt so he wouldn't get paint on it in case you were wondering.

The next few pictures were taken on one of our many trips to the zoo.
Dominick's hair is getting so long. I don't especially like it long but I'm trying to let in grow out in a bowl type hair style. I just love his straight hair. Everyone in my family has super curly hair, which we are not so fond of, so I'm in love with his silky straight hair.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Week #2

Dominick is doing pretty well at the new daycare center. He cries really bad when I leave which tears me up, but they are telling me that most days he stops crying almost immediately after I leave. One day he cried for 45 minutes, which is not like him so of course I was broken hearted. About the biting, children are STILL being bitten by 2 particular children. I won't comment on Dominick, even if he did get bit I wouldn't say so on this site because I don't want my mom to know because she gets too upset. What happened is this one child started biting all the other children a few weeks ago and then one of the other kids learned to bite from him and she started biting as well. My biggest fear is that Dominick will start biting also. He is so sweet and innocent, I just hope he doesn't start that behavior. I spoke with the daycare administrator in depth and recommended that she give the parents some literature on biting and she did. Many parents do not realize it and they "play bite" by nibbling on their child's feet, hands, etc. and professionals believe that is a huge part of how children learn to bite. There are many other factors such as frustration, teething, etc. But once a child starts biting, nibbling is a huge NO-NO for parents. Also, many parents don't know the correct way to discipline their child and so the behavior continues. So hopefully the administrator can educate these parents and maybe help these children to stop this behavior.

Speaking of parents and discipline, you guys seriously would not believe the things I encounter with parents on a daily basis at school. I've been teaching for 8 years and I still am AMAZED every single day by the things I see and hear parents doing. It is UNBELIEVABLE. I have been dealing with one particular CRAZY parent on and off all year. Well, she crossed the line this week. After yelling and cursing in the office, the principal said DO NOT GO TO MRS. D'S ROOM, and she did anyway. No reason, she just decided she was going to walk her child to my door and stare at me because she felt "she had the right to do that". What is up with these people and "their rights"??? Do I have "the right" to walk in their house and give them evil looks??? Do I have "the right" to barge into their home and demand a meeting immediately and then get in their face and curse them out??? Yeah, I know they pay taxes and that pays my income. Big deal, I probably pay 10x's the amount of taxes they pay because of my husband's income. That doesn't give my the right to act like a lunatic to government employees. So anyway, my principal immediately got on the phone, called our school's superintendent, who in turn called the school board's attorney,who called a judge and now they are having a police officer go to her house and serve her with a restraining order!!!!!! The psycho-chick cannot step foot on our campus, EVER! I seriously never wished this lady any harm, but I do think it is quite funny that this ended up happening to her. Don't ask me what would happen if she needed to pick up one of her 2 kids early because they were sick. I am so lucky I have such a supportive principal and co-workers. My principal doesn't even want me walking to my car after school without a co-worker watching me because of this lunatic. And just in case you are wondering, I do not work in a bad area or bad school. It is actually a really nice area with average families ranging from very rich to very poor incomes. Anyway, just wanted to let off some steam to you guys, hope you don't mind.

I'm not posting new pictures tonight because I am too tired. I'll try to post some by Sunday night.

New Daycare

I switched Dominick to a new daycare this past Monday and I love it!!! I did like the daycare he was attending before, but I wasn't completely satisfied because:
  1. They seem to watch quite a bit of television.

  2. He was with the "older infants" because they didn't have room for him in the 1-2 year old class.

  3. It was more of a "child care center" and not as much a "learning center".

  4. It wasn't run as professionally as it should have been.

So I had him on a waiting list at another center and they finally had an opening. I took him to the new center everyday after I got off of work and stayed with him for about an hour, just for him to get familiar with the place. Then this week he officially started and I took off of work half days for Monday and Tuesday so he would only have to stay for a few hours and then he started full time on Wednesday. He has done an awesome job of adjusting, which shouldn't surprise me. I was so worried I couldn't even sleep last Saturday night. I love the new "learning center". They have a very structured schedule and they actually have a curriculum beginning with the 1-year old class. There is NO TELEVISION in the entire building so he will NEVER see T.V. at this place. I don't mind him watching T.V. at home but it bothered me not knowing how much or what he was watching at daycare. The new center does Art every single day for 30 minutes. They also go outside twice a day and have story time and puzzle time. Most of the Art and the curriculum are too advanced for a 1-year old so the teachers have to help big time, but I love the fact that they are still exposing the children to so much at such an early age. They also have classes in French beginning in the 3-year old class. I wish they had Spanish but we live in a French speaking community so all of the schools (even public schools) only offer French classes.

There is one huge problem and I hate to even mention it because it bothers me so much, but I'll tell you anyway. Dominick got BITTEN by another child on Thursday. He has this huge, full-mouth bite mark on his arm. It even broke the skin a little. As you can imagine, I am furious and Jon and my mom are even more upset than I am. My two biggest goals I had for him as a baby was for him not to sleep in the bed with us and for him not to be a biter. Well, after children are bitten several times, they will often start biting. I don't feel like going into details on the whole issue, but I have done research and spoken to a lot of mothers and the counselor at my school about this and it is completely normal at this age. I will stay on the daycare administrators back about this until this "biter child" stops the biting or is KICKED OUT. Like I said, I just don't feel like saying any more about the issue. I still feel 100% like I made the right decision about switching him to this new daycare because although the other place was OK, this one is outstanding (other than the fact that some little animal is biting my precious baby).

So anyway, here are pictures of Dominick's art work for this week. The theme for this month is Ocean Animals: Salt Water vs. Fresh Water. And although I do think my child is the smartest child I've ever met, hee-hee, I do know that the majority of this art work was done with 99% of the teacher's help.