Wednesday, May 28, 2008

School Is OUT!!!

Beach Day with my little 1st Graders. I will miss this class, this is the best class I've ever had.

My last day of school was Monday, and Little Man had surgery on Tuesday (yesterday). He was circumcised. We thought about it for 2 years (before he was even home) and we had several reasons for wanting this procedure to be done, but had I known how much pain my Little Man would have to endure, I do not think I would have done the surgery. He seems to be much better this evening, but yesterday and this morning were unbelievable. He would scream at the very top of his lungs, hold on to my neck, and his whole body would shake for about 10-15 minutes every time he had to pee-pee. It was HORRIBLE! I really had no idea it would have been that bad. The surgeon told me it would just be sore...NOT the case!!!

Knocked out for his nap today...Mickey slept by him the whole 2 hours.

It is looking like Dominick may have given up his baby bed. He never climbed out of it like we thought he'd end up doing. But he woke up in the middle of the night crying and insisted on sleeping on the floor in his room Monday night and again for his nap yesterday. So last night we took the mattress out of his bed and stuck in on the floor and he was soooo excited.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One of the main reasons I have not been blogging lately is because I have become hopelessly obsessed with playing in my yard. I literally stay outside from the time I get home each day until it gets dark outside (4:30-8:00). Then I suddenly realize the time and I have to rush to get Little Man fed, bathed and off to bed. I have flower beds in the front and backyard plus I mess with the grass daily, either cutting it or watering it. I have gone a bit crazy over the whole deal...I count and recount each little bud on some of my plants. All the new growth is so exciting to watch. I take breaks in between to play with Little Man with his bubble lawn mower, water table, kite, chalk... We have been thoroughly enjoying being outdoors.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sorry so long with the updates. I didn't think anyone really read my blog any more so I had stopped updating, but I've had a few requests so here I am. I will post a few old pictures and try to update again much sooner this time.

These are pictures of Little Man "pocking" eggs on Easter. Pocking is a tradition we do in our family where one person holds an egg and the other taps the egg and you see which one cracks. The one that doesn't crack is the winner. It probably sounds very strange but it is something I
did as a little girl with the whole family and we still do it. I think it is a Cajun/French tradition and I'm not sure the history behind the tradition, but oh well, guess I should research it one day.