Thursday, August 31, 2006
Dominick is 8 Months Old Today! Sniffle, Sniffle
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Okay God, now it's our turn. We've been in for 131 days, that's almost 5 months, YIKES! Pleeeaaaase let us out Mr. PGN man. I got an email from my agency yesterday and all it said was that my case is STILL in PGN. I can't tell you what a relief it was to not hear "You've been kicked out for the 4th time". Thank you Jesus that I haven't been kicked out again (as far as we know).
CONGRATULATIONS Holly, Gia, and Zoe!!!!!! You'll be home reeeaaaaalll soon! YIPPPPEEEEE!!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
The World of Wating-on-Dominick
I have been reeaaaally missing my Chunky Monkey lately. I keep running all those precious memories of my week with him through my mind over and over and I miss him soooooooo much!!! I just keep thinking of how inquisitive he was, when we would walk into a new room of the hotel, he would instantly start turning his little head all over and studying the pictures on the wall and his surroundings. And that precious little laugh of his... often times when someone was talking to me, little Chunky Monkey would watch them and then suddenly start laughing as if they were talking to him. Oh my gosh, he was just so precious! I'm to the point where as much as I want him home, I really just want to see him (and hold him and kiss him of course). I think Hubbie and I have decided, if Dominick isn't home by Thanksgiving we are gonna go visit him again. I know he will probably/hopefully be home by then, and if not it's a horribly long time to wait to see your baby, but that's the plan for now. I would be itching to go see him now (actually I am itching to see him) but I really don't want to take off of work and use up a whole week of time I'd have home with him. But of course we teachers get a whole week off for Thanksgiving, so that's why we came up with that date. I just can't wait for Jon to see his son, he has no idea how much his love for Dominick is gonna make his heart want to explode.
Okay, so guess what our plans are for our Saturday evening (today). Go eat out (as we do every Sat.) and then go shopping for Chunky Monkey, YAAAY!!! When hubbie asked what I wanted to do after dinner, I said "Let's go look at baby stuff!!!" That's how it always begins, just looking. But it usually (always) turns out with buying, buying, buying!!! Dominick is so lucky to have 2 parents who both loooove to shop and spend money.
Wishing all of you a good weekend and praying like crazy for all of you PGN er's.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Kate (mom), Jason (dad), Adam, Geoffrey and Elise.
Here's Geoffrey, everyone calls him "big boy" because he's a Chunky Monkey like Dominick.
Adam Patrick Noel!!!
Little Elise, sweet baby girl!!!
Here's Geoffrey being held by his proud godparents.
Geoffrey and Nannie Lynn
Adam and Uncle Shawn
Monday, August 14, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Sunday, August 6, 2006
107 Days in PGN and Counting...
This was Jon's Father's Day gift. I bought him and Dominick shirts that say "Big Dude" and "Little Dude". But since Dominick wasn't here, we put his shirt on Gizmo to model it. Poor baby, this was not the first time that we made the poor dog wear Dominick's clothes. I guess that is just what desperate parents do when they have to wait 12 months for their baby to come home.

This was the hotel we stayed at in Guatemala. It is a 5 star hotel and the service was UNBELIEVABLE!!! I've never seen so many people who are so friendly and love their jobs so much. Everyone who worked at this hotel spoke both Spanish and English fluently. They will go out of their way to do anything for'd have to see it to understand just how awesome the service is at this place.
The heated pool at the Marriott.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006
To get to my point, there was an article that apparently has been published in almost every newspaper across the U. S. about Guatemalan adoptions that is very one-sided and completely inaccurate. I don't even know where to begin when discussing this article, so please excuse any rambling I may do. I just want to say several things I do know about adoptions in Guatemala.
- One of the reasons Guatemalan adoptions are so popular is because the babies are generally more healthy and have less delays than babies from other countries because:
- They are usually raised in foster homes instead of orphanages, therefore they receive care in a private home instead of and institution.
- It is almost unheard of for these babies to be born with something such as fetal alcohol syndrome because the birth mothers in Guat. do not use drugs and alcohol while pregnant (unlike other countries such as Russia, that are known for having many babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome).
- These babies have much better medical care both before and after birth than babies from most other countries (at least the ones being handled by an attorney).
- The adoption process is sometimes (not always) faster than many other countries and they are relinquished for adoption at a younger age, therefore your baby could be as young as 5-12 months when you take him home, whereas your baby might be 12-24 months in other countries. (can you blame someone for wanting their child home at a younger age so that they don't miss out on the many exciting milestones of their child's life and are able to bond with their child at a younger age???)
- Also, Guatemala is much closer to travel than a country such as Russia, and at this time adoptive families are only required to make one trip of 4-5 days. Many other countries require 2 trips totaling 7-21 days.
- Guatemala has both boys and girls available for adoption, whereas in some countries it is very difficult to get a girl and other countries it is almost impossible to get a boy.(Russia & China) After suffering years of infertility or miscarriages, one of the benefits of adoption is that you can actually choose the sex of your child. But some people like to make a whole debate out of whether you should be able to choose the sex of the child you are adopting.
One of the biggest things I want people to know about Guatemala is that these adoptions DO go through a court system. The article stated that "Guatemala still allows adoptions to be managed privately, without judicial approval". For someone not familiar with adoptions in Guat., this may sound like the adoptions are not approved by their court system, which is by far not the case. What they mean is that most, not all, adoptions in Guat. are private adoptions. It is the same difference as if you adopted a child privately through an attorney in the U. S. versus adopting a child through the state foster care system. The adoption is still completely legal and goes through all the appropriate court proceedings, the only difference is that a birth mother went directly through an attorney instead of dropping her child off at an orphanage. Also, the U. S. requires that all birth mothers and their babies have DNA testing to prove that the baby is in fact hers and that she DOES want to give her child up for adoption.
Guatemala is an extremely poor country that has no welfare system, no food stamps, no Medicaid, no child support laws, no disability, no minimum wage salary, and so on. There are many, many areas of Guat. that have no running water, no medical care, no schools or transportation. They are also known to be very fertile and a very Catholic/religious country that does not promote abortions and frowns upon unwed mothers. I could go on and on explaining to you the reasons that birth mothers have to give their child up in hopes of them having a better life. If you have read the article, please don't take it seriously. It is completely one-sided and inaccurate. If you are truly interested in what happens in Guatemala with poverty and adoptions, do as I did and spend the next 3 years researching Guatemala. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people who are caring and loving and want the best for their children.
Momma, you are beginning to bore me with that camera and all these pictures. Can't we do something else???
Oowwww Momma, this diaper is too tight for my cubby legs. That's why it keeps popping open, it is just tooooo tight!!!! Please stop wasting your money on all those clothes and hats and just get me some diapers that fit!!!
Maw Maw, I will sit here real still and handsome if you give me some more oatmeal or cookies. Is this good enough, may I please have some more food???