Friday, August 11, 2006


I have heard some very encouraging news over the past few days. I'm on an adoption forum internet site, and about 6 people on that site alone got out of PGN on Wed., and about 20 PEOPLE GOT OUT YESTERDAY!!! That is awesome news people! I have never seen that many people get out in one week, much less one day. If PGN keeps up this pace, and IF I don't get kicked out again for some stupid reason, I could get out within the next few weeks. YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I can't imagine really getting out, it has just been so long it feels like it will never happen. I will probably be in shock when I finally do get out, and then I'll probably cry my heart out after bottling up this frustration for so long. And then of course I'll get on my hands and knees and thank God for letting me out of PGN. Anyway, regardless of what happens with my case, it is so encouraging to see so many people get out in one day. Mondays and Fridays are very slow days for PGN, and next Monday or Tuesday (or both) is a holiday in Guatemala, so PGN will be closed. I just hope and pray they continue letting a lot of cases out everyday.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Lynn, this is very encouraging news! I hope you're not waiting too much longer.


Dominick's Mommy said...

Yay Betsy, You left a comment!!! I was wondering were all your comments were. Talk to you soon.

JuJu - said...

Hang in there Momma - that sweet baby boy will be home beofre you know it! I am so glad you know ehre your strength and your hope lies! I hope we meet one day! I am standing in prayer with you and I am believing tha he is home in our arms where he belongs soon!!
