Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I am happy to announce that Holly and baby Gia are OUT, OUT, OUT of PGN. She had been in for 123 days and living in Guatemala for 3-4 months. Wow, I am sooooo happy for her. Praise God!

Okay God, now it's our turn. We've been in for 131 days, that's almost 5 months, YIKES! Pleeeaaaase let us out Mr. PGN man. I got an email from my agency yesterday and all it said was that my case is STILL in PGN. I can't tell you what a relief it was to not hear "You've been kicked out for the 4th time". Thank you Jesus that I haven't been kicked out again (as far as we know).

CONGRATULATIONS Holly, Gia, and Zoe!!!!!! You'll be home reeeaaaaalll soon! YIPPPPEEEEE!!!


Anonymous said...

So happy for Holly. Now it's your turn, come on Mr. PGN man, LET US OUT !!!!!!!!!!


HollyGee said...

I feel it, your turn is soon. a whole bunch of us long timers have been getting out lately. Thanks so much for the shout out.

:)Holly and Gia

Andrea said...

You WILL get out soon! I just know it! Then we'll be cheering you on when you go down and bring Dominick HOME forever!

Hang in there!!

JuJu - said...

Hang in there - your turn is NEXT!!The entire McKenzie Crew is cheering you guys on and we are all going to have a special prayer at dinner tonight that Dominick gets out of PGN soon!!!!

Looking for good news from you SOON!!:)


Dominick's Mommy said...

Aaawwww, thanks Julia. That is so sweet of you and I really appreciate it. Take care!