Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Furniture...Not Happening!

I tried to update my blog a few days ago but Blogger wouldn't let me add pictures. I've been terrible about updating this thing. I have been sooo busy and tired lately. I'm seriously thinking about taking a day off of work and sending Little Man to daycare just to catch up on my sleep. My schedule was mush easier last school year because Dominick went to bed at 7:00 every night. Now that he's older, he doesn't go to bed until 8:00 and Jon and I can't do ANYTHING when he is awake, not even eat our own food. So we don't even begin to eat dinner, take showers, grade school papers, clean, etc. until after 8:00 every night.

Dominick absolutely insists on feeding himself or he throws a fit and won't eat. So we had to give him his own bowl of plain noodles while Jon fed him the spaghetti noodles.

As you can see he fed all the noodles to Me-Me and Mo-Mo (Mickey & Gizmo).

This is why we are not buying new living room furniture for a long time. Jon says as long as we have dogs and little ones, we will be keeping our old furniture. Our recliner got torn up by Gizmo the first week we had it, seriously. And now Little Man stands on the furniture with his shoes and eats on it. Yuck!


Anonymous said...

Lynn as your Mom who always states her mind, this time I will keep my commments to myself....about Little Man eating out of his high chair. He is precious as always. He may have grown a little taller since we last saw him.

Love you & miss you,

Rhonda said...

I know how you feel about the new sofa. We bought a new one and Amelia has spilled drink, spit, and threw up on it many times. I have taught the dogs to stay off of it, but Amelia has done it in pretty good on her own. Oh well, the joys of having babies around. I will deal with it. It is worth it.

Katie said...

Boy Oh Boy .... I can relate with you on the tiredness of this toddler stage . It flat wears you out !! Hang in there .

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Maya has tried that fit throwing about the high chair, so she didn't eat for a couple of hours (no, I am not going to let my kid starve). It worked, she is happy to get in her high chair. Dominick is just trying you. I know what you mean about being tired. At times you had rather just let them do whatever to keep them quiet. I know, Maya got a bottle yesterday and that is a huge NO NO!!! He is so cute feeding the dogs. I think a day for yourself sounds good. Go for it!!!!