Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Little Rascal!!!

We still haven't sold our old house and we still have no cable or Internet access at the new house. Who knows when we will sell the old house. The people still want it and everything is fine with the title. The hold up is their loan. They are getting some type of government loan and it is a super slow process. They loss their home in Hurricane Katrina (New Orleans) and they relocated to Lafayette.

Dominick's behavior is HORRIBLE!!!!!!! I can't begin to describe this behavior to you. I'm sure it is perfectly normal 19 month behavior but it is driving us all nuts! He even got into my jewelry box, took out my pearl earrings I had bought in Jamaica and chewed them up and then brought them to me to show me what he had done. I can't even fold clothes if he is awake. He will unfold them, or lay on top of what ever I'm folding, or scream his head off if I do it on the bed where he can't reach. I tried to do a little work for school today and someone came to the door and this is what Dominick did with my tape in a matter of 5 seconds.
He pulled out the entire roll of tape, balled it up, and was walking around with it stuck to his shirt and the dispenser hanging off as if nothing had ever happened. Notie he dispenser still hanging from the tape. He knows when he's doing something wrong. At my parents' house, he swiped the white out tape from their desk in a split second and ran in the guest bedroom and started yanking out all the whit out tape from the dispenser. As soon as you take one thing away from his, he immediately turns around and does something else, such as beating the walls or dogs with his toys. I think the first word he will learn to spell is B-A-D. I'm constantly spelling that word to him. What a little rascal!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Weekend

We had a great weekend at my parents' house. On Friday, we took Dominick to the Aquarium and the River Walk in New Orleans. He really enjoyed the Aquarium. Not only did he enjoy looking at the fish, birds, penguins, etc., but he also enjoyed the kiddie section that had a slide and other things for him to do. It was pretty cool.

Then on Saturday my dad and brothers babysat Dominick all day while my mom and I hung out, even though it was my dad's birthday. It was awesome to have a babysitter. Jon and I have NO ONE to help us with Dominick in Lafayette where we live. My mom and I got our nails and eyebrows done, then we went furniture shopping for my new house, and then we drove out to Biloxi, Mississippi and ate dinner and went to watch a Russian Acrobat show at a casino. It was great to hang out with my mom. We've been best friends since I was in high school. I'm talking like seriously best friends, I've never had a friend as awesome as my mom and probably never will have another friend comparable to her. We talk on the phone every single day, often times for hours. I even call her every morning on my way to work and she calls me every day on her way home from work. My husband and my dad can't understand what we could possible talk about for hours everyday. Luckily they both completely respect our relationship and have never once tried to discourage us from talking and hanging out so much. 11 years ago, I moved 3 hours away from my parents to marry Jon and he has never once asked me not to leave him for the weekend to visit my parents or never once asked me to not spend a holiday with my family. Smart Man! I even asked my mom to be my maid of honor when I got married. Although she was honored to be asked, she felt awkward being a bride's maid at her age and told me to ask my other best friend who I had gone to school with since the 5th grade, whom I love dearly. Sorry to ramble on so much about my mom. I'm just so grateful for my family. I'm the only girl and I have a very special relationship with each one of my family members. They are so awesome!!!

This was the kiddie section at the Aquarium. Dominick is sitting on a huge whale that would blow water vapor out of his blow hole every few minutes. Every time Dominick heard it blowing the water vapor, he'd run up to it, push the other children out of his way, and hold his hand over the blow hole.

Dominick was riding this fishy like a horse, silly boy.

They could pet the manta rays here.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Go Diego, Go!!!

We took Dominick to see Diego live last night. It was the cutest play but unfortunately Dominick wasn't all that impressed. He did get excited but he didn't really realize that it was live, if that makes any since. I figured he was a little young for a play but I still want to expose him to all that type of stuff. Whether he likes it or not, I want to expose him to symphonies, plays, museums, sports, etc. as he gets older. Hopefully he will develop an appreciation for the Arts but I wouldn't be surprised if he has no interest in any of it. Isn't that how it usually works? You have all these perfect plans for what you want your child to do and like and they seem to have their own seperate plan that doesn't quite mesh with yours. He is ALL BOY and super active...that child can't sit still...EVER! He was running fever at 103.8 the other day and he was still running around and would not take a nap.

The Diego pictures are fuzzy, I guess because of the lighting or the distance from the stage.

I'm at my mom and dad's house for a few days before I go back to work. I am going back to school next week to get my class ready and then I start back the end of the following week. I'm a tiny bit excited about getting back into a new school year but jeez did the summer go by fast. Unbelievable! We are taking Little Man to the Aquarium of The Americas in New Orleans tomorrow. That should be a lot of fun, it is one of the few things that we can do that we won't pass out from the heat since it is air conditioned. I'll try to post pictures of that within a day or two.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Still No Internet

We still don't have internet access at the new house and probably won't for about 30 days...UGH!!! We are supposed to possibly close on the old house this week so I don't know what I will do for internet after that happens. We have internet access at school but I can't access my personal email or any blogs because the school board blocks all that type of stuff because of the students.

We are enjoying the new house. We just got grass seed sprayed in the yard yesterday. It is such a mess because it rains everyday and it is so muddy for the dogs, etc. We should have gotten sod but it is much more expensive and it would have been a few more weeks to get the sod in and we are so tired of the mud already. Here are a few pictures of them spraying the grass seed. The green stuff is the seed (hydroseeding).

I had them leave this section without grass so we can do a flower bed.

This is Little Man's new seat... the fireplace box!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Out of Order

Just wanted ya'll to know that I won't be blogging for a few weeks. We moved to the new house on Friday but they don't have our cable installed yet and we use the cable service for our Internet so I have to drive back to the old house in order to use the internet. Luckily we can still use the internet at the old house because we didn't close on that house yet. There was a minor problem with the title so it may take a week or two before we can close on the old house. There are still a few things to do on the new house such as landscapers, sealing the slate, and finishing off the upstairs bonus room, plus it is a disaster trying to unpack everything so I won't have much time to go to the old house to blog. Don't give up on me, check every week or so and I'll start blogging as soon as possible.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Booger Eater

I don't know if any of you remember my post dated October 31. It was about Dominick banging on the television screen and how Jon loved it and hoped it would break so he could go out a buy a newer, better T.V. Weelllllll, guess what happened...yep, the T.V. is seriously messed up! And yep, Jon is totally happy because he thinks he's getting a new plasma or LCD T.V. that he can hang on the wall. Ha ha ha, he is so mistaken about that, at least for now. I will be calling a repair man to fix that sucker. Suddenly we noticed that the screen is really blurry and distorted. We should be able to fix it by using the remote control to simply adjust the projection guns but NO LUCK...the guns must be so out of whack that it can't be adjusted with the remote. Is it a sign that Jon deserves a new T.V.? Anyway, Dominick does not bang on the T.V. anymore. He has moved on the bigger and better things to do these days. Like exhibiting full-blown TERRIBLE TWO's, eating french fries and ice off the floor in Burger King, slapping his mom in the face, terrorizing the dogs, and eating boogers. Yep, I have caught him twice repeatedly putting his finger in the nose and then straight in the mouth. This is especially disgusting to me after watching my first graders eat their boogers for the past 8 years. Aren't I just so lucky to have a booger-eater in my home.