Sunday, July 22, 2007

Still No Internet

We still don't have internet access at the new house and probably won't for about 30 days...UGH!!! We are supposed to possibly close on the old house this week so I don't know what I will do for internet after that happens. We have internet access at school but I can't access my personal email or any blogs because the school board blocks all that type of stuff because of the students.

We are enjoying the new house. We just got grass seed sprayed in the yard yesterday. It is such a mess because it rains everyday and it is so muddy for the dogs, etc. We should have gotten sod but it is much more expensive and it would have been a few more weeks to get the sod in and we are so tired of the mud already. Here are a few pictures of them spraying the grass seed. The green stuff is the seed (hydroseeding).

I had them leave this section without grass so we can do a flower bed.

This is Little Man's new seat... the fireplace box!


Anonymous said...

I knew Little Man would find all of the good places to sit and explore in that new enviroment.

Never saw that grass seed sprayed before. Sure hope it works as well and as fast as they are saying it will.


Rhonda said...

I don't know what I would do without internet. 30 days is sooooo long. Thank goodness you will close on your old house.
The sprayed grass seed is neat. Great idea. Dominick is adorable as usual. Enjoy your little man this summer and get settled in your new house. Congratulations on your beautiful house.