Friday, June 1, 2007

I'm OFF!!!

I'm officially off for my summer break and it feels so awesome!!! We are leaving next Saturday and going to Destin, FL for 8 days, can't wait! We rented a condo that would allow us to bring our 2 fur-babies so I didn't have to hear any of my family members complain about babysitting them. The condo sleeps 6 people so of course we invited some family members to help out with Dominick. My parents and at least one of my brothers will be staying with us for 3 days.

Part of my Mother's Day present from Jon and Dominick finally came in the mail yesterday so I will post a picture of it. Jon had ordered it about 4 weeks before Mother's Day but he knew it wouldn't be ready so he had just given me a picture of it. Here it is.

It is a huge blanket with Dominick's picture on it. So cool, I LOVE it!!! Notice my head at the top of the blanket. I was standing on my toes in the picture, the blanket is taller than me. Dominick didn't realize it had a picture on it so Jon stood further back with him for him to see it better and Dominick got a big smile and said "Dee-Dee" which means Diego. So cute!

Dominick will be enrolled in daycare on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. I had to keep him enrolled in order to keep his spot for when I go back to work next August. I'm kinda glad I had to keep him enrolled because it will give me a chance to go grocery shopping and catch up on some things around the house and I think it is good for him to be in that environment with other children. By the way the biting issue has been resolved, at least for now. Unfortunately, there ended up being 3 toddlers who started biting and they were doing it up to 3 times and day so the daycare had to dis enroll them.

Dominick now has 14 teeth and 2 more that are about to pop out any day now. He is talking like crazy. I can't even begin to write all of the words he says because he says so many. Probably at least 50 words, maybe even twice that much. He tries to repeat anything we ask him to. Not many of his words are very clear, but I understand just about all of them. He is also saying a lot of 2 word sentences like "bye-bye, da da", "Momma-meee" (he says meeee when he wants something) " Momma-more", "Dada-shoe", Dada-truck" and today at the zoo he said "Bye-bye, crocodile". He also does sign language for the words night-night, more, go, stop, all gone, out, baby, momma, drink and eat. And he counts EVERYTHING. Seriously, he walks around the house, holds up one finger and says "three, three, three" instead of one, two, three. I'm sure that now that I will be home with him for the summer he will learn even more with the one-on-one attention from me. It is hard for me to catch him doing all of his "tricks" on camera and I have a good video of him doing all his sign language in the bath tub but I accidentally got a tiny shot of his pee-pee so I will have to try again so that I can post it.


Kim said...

Have a great time at Destin. Do you have some room for me? I'll help watch Dominick. :)

Anonymous said...

The blanket is so.....cute with that darling Little Man on it. So glad you are out of school. It has been a stressful year for you and now it looks as though things are starting to fall into place. Hope you can come here often for some visits.......

Jodi Crubaugh said...

Hi Lynn,

You are right. :( So sorry. I do have some good excuses though.I lost my camera charger, and had to order another. Then a girl got fired at work, and another is out sick with breast cancer, so I have been swamped! I get home, and I just don't want anything to do with the computer! I have checked in on Dominick though! He is so smart!!! We are at the beach this week! We will keep the clouds away for youI promise to post some pictures of Ana at the beach when I get home!

Andrea said...

SO cute! I love the blanket, and of course that handsome model! Good gift idea!