Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baby Dedication

We had our Baby Dedication this past Sunday at church. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is what our church does for new babies instead of a "christening" which is done by Catholics. Our church waits to baptise our children when they are old enough to understand. But the Dedication is just a little ceremony that welcomes the baby into the church and the parents dedicate the baby back to God, promising to raise him as a Christian and everyone in the church prays over the baby. It isn't a big deal, yet it was very special to me because that is my biggest dream for my precious Dominick; for him to serve the Lord ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE. Because I know if he's serving God,everything else in his life will fall into place. I didn't get a lot of pictures of most of the people that were there because the day was just busy and Dominick was way too busy playing to take pictures.

The blond holding Dominick is the pastor's wife and the man to her right is the pastor. The chick in the blue shirt is me and the tall dude is Jon. Everyone else to the left is our families.

It was a beautiful day so we all ate and hung out outside all day. This was the outfit Dominick wore. He got it nice and dirty playing outside all day.

Dominick loved all the attention from his cousins. He didn't take a nap and was so sleepy he laid his head on Christian's shoulder for a long time. It was so cute!!!

This is us. Dominick was having a hissy fit that we took him away from playing to take this picture.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby, beautiful family. We have all waited a very long time for this celebration. The weather was beautiful and it was a very happy day.

Maw Maw Dee

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn,
What a beautiful day. Seems like a perfect day to dedicate Dominick. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Also, thanks for passing down the toys to Amelia. I know she will love them. She is the perfect age for them.
Mrs. Rhonda

JuJu - said...

Beautiful day! Beautiful pictures - perfect baby boy:):):)

We are going to do that with both babies at the same time!!!!!

First Sunday in June:)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a special day!! He is precious as ever!! What a handsome guy!!

Candy said...

What a beautiful FAMILY and I love that chunky monkey

HollyGee said...

He is getting SOOOO big. They don't even look like babies anymore. Still handsome as ever.

Angel said...

YAY! That is great. :0) Angel