Monday, December 25, 2006


Our Christmas was wonderful. We were lucky to have all our family together, including my precious niece Nicole (my brother's baby) who lives in North Carolina with her mother. Her mother was so kind to allow us to spend time with her over the Holidays. I hadn't seen Nicole since last May and I missed her so much. Here is Dominick crawling down the driveway. This was the first time Dominick actually got to play outside. We live on a busy street and our driveway is not new and clean like my parents' so we can't let Dominick get on the ground and play. We are trying to sell our house and buy a new one so hopefully we'll have a new clean driveway that he can play in one day soon.Dominick riding his car at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house.Thank you Mrs. Diane and Mr. Paul for the puppy dog. Dominick loves it!!!
Dominick finally got to meet his cousin Nicole.
Nicole and Dominick on Christmas morning wearing their matching PJ's

Lynn (me) and Dee (my mom) cooking Christmas dinner

Dominick and Nicole all dressed up for church
We had a hard time taking pictures with the babies because they were very uncooperative and had much more important things to be doing.
My baby brother Jacob and his daughter Nicole
I love this picture of me and my 3 boys Gizmo, Mickey & Dominick. It's funny because everyone used to tease me and tell me that my dogs were going to be put off to the side when Dominick came home but they didn't. I love them just as much as I have for the past 10 years. They are like children to Jon and me and they are so precious to us because we know they are getting older and won't always be around. They have been so loyal to us all these years and I'd do anything for them. They sleep in our bed every night and we won't leave them with anyone other than my parents or brothers. It kinda stinks because we can't all go on a vacation together because I refuse to leave my dogs with anyone else. I'd pass up a vacation without even thinking twice before I'd EVER leave them in a kennel.

Our Christmas was fantastic. Dominick got a lot of toys but not too many. I was quite proud of myself for not going over board with the gifts. Now, when he's older and actually knows what's going on, it might be a whole other story as far as gifts go. I can't wait to be able to buy him a swing set, 4-wheeler, and all that cool stuff. But hopefully I'll wait until he can actually enjoy it since he has no clue about wanting more toys and things at this age. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful Christmas!!! Lots of good family time, good food and some very nice presents for children and adults. Thank you Jesus.


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Looks like you had a GREAT Christmas with Dominick and the rest of your family. I love the matching PJ's. Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!!! :) Hope your new year is just as fun!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had a great Christmas!! I love my card - It is adorable!!Everybody at my house wants Dominick to come for a visit!!


Anonymous said...

They are so cute in their matching PJ's. Your little bro and you look alot alike!!!

Have a great New Year!