Sunday, October 29, 2006


Yes, Dominick is sleeping 100% through the night. Doesn't wake up at all. Praise Jesus, he has answered my prayers AGAIN!!! Now the napping is a whole other story. He did take one 60 minute nap today but then didn't fall asleep until 11:15 PM tonight. He got his first round of re-immunizations today and it didn't make him fussy at all. He did great.

For those of you with a baby that wakes up during the night, I'd REALLY encourage you to let the "cry it out". I just cannot believe how wonderfully it worked. And it was only really bad the first night, and a little unpleasant the second night.

In my desperation for him to nap yesterday, I gave him a bottle in the Jumperoo. I know, Bad Mommy but like I said, I was desperate and had a fussy baby.

And it worked... for a very short nap. He woke up ready to play when I tried to take him out to put him in his bed. Notice the bottle lying on the Jumperoo. Usually when he's finished a bottle, he THROWS it. Even if I'm holding it for him, he reaches up, takes it out of his mouth, and THROWS it. TOO FUNNY!

Dominick went crawling to the tub when he heard his Dada running the bath water.

Here he is pulling up to have a closer look at the water.

And here he is sticking his hand under the running water and laughing.

It's so cute, he gets so excited about taking a bath he starts dancing while holding onto the tub every night. It's even more cute when we undress him while he's desperately holding onto the tub and his little naked butt is dancing. I wanted to show a picture but didn't know if that would be appropriate, so here's one in the diaper.

One of the first things he does when we put him in the water is to stick his face in the water and blow bubbles. It is hilarious!!! I crack up laughing so he keeps doing it. He is such a tough little guy, he usually ends up inhaling water and chocking on it, but he keeps laughing and doing it again.

And here he is kissing his duck. If I ask him to kiss one of his toys or Mickey (the dog), he'll gladly do it. But when I ask him to kiss Mama or Dada, he laughs and turns his head most of the time. Silly Boy!


JuJu - said...

You guys are doing great - that boy looks happy and healthy! A rested baby is a happy baby:) John-Bryan has regressed a bit on sleep since he got sick -

I think your little one has adjusted amazingly!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I am so glad that you guys are getting sleep. He seems so very happy. Love the bath time pics.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Dominick blowing bubbles in the water. And I'm sure he'll give Maw Maw and Paw Paw kisses when we ask for them!!!!!

Jodi Crubaugh said...

Awhhh!! He is precious!! DH is sleeping through the night, but I am not! He wants me to let her cry it out, but I don't have it in me yet. Maybe before I go back to work. ;)