Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dominick has this terrible habit of crawling to the T.V. and pushing all the buttons and BANGING on the screen. It is especially aggravating when he pushes the buttons on the front panel and the T.V. screen goes blank or fuzzy. I am constantly taking him away from the T.V. and saying "NO, NO!", but he immediately crawls right back. Last night Jonathan said, "Dominick don't you break my T.V., I don't want to have to go out and buy a new one" and Jon had a huge smile on his face. He would LOVE to buy a LCD T.V., he'd probably jump up and down if Dominick's hand suddenly went through the speaker or the screen.

Oh this is so much fun. How I do love to bang on the T.V. screen.

Uh-oh, what happened to the screen Mama???

Oh, thank you for fixing the T.V. Mama, I like it better with a picture on the screen.

Awww Man, why does this keep happening when I push the cute little buttons???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Paw Paw will mind if Chunky Monkey bangs on his T. V.?