Friday, September 15, 2006

One Year Ago

One year ago today was the official day we signed up with my agency and began the mounds of paper work to bring our baby home. I can't believe it's been a whole year and my baby is still not home. But praise God, he will be home soon!!! This week has been so awesome since hearing the news that we are OUT of the PGN. It feels so good to not have that burden any longer. I am so excited I don't know what to do with myself. I lie in bed every night and try to imagine him crawling...I just can't picture it. I can't even come up with a picture in my mind of how much he has probably changed. I haven't seen new pictures of him in 2 months. I have re-played the memories of our visit trip in my mind so many times, I just can't imagine what he's like now. Regardless, I know I will instantly get a kick out of the new ways of his little personality and only fall more deeply in love with him.

We are hoping to hear that they have begun the new birth certificate sometime next week. Once we are submitted for his new birth certificate, it will take 1-2 weeks to process, and hopefully in about a week after that we will have our travel dates. I'm just praying that this last part of the process goes smoothly. My agency is telling me that I should have PINK (travel dates) within about 3 weeks from last Monday...I hope they are correct.


Anonymous said...

Lynn, I have been keeping up with you and precious Dominique through Betsy and your blog. It is wonderful that Dominique will be home with you soon. I'll pray that the last part of this process will be very fast. He is such a beautiful baby. I'm looking forward to seeing him when you come to Slidell. He and Scott can be "Chunky Monkies" together.
Love, Amy V.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lynn,
I'm so sorry. I just realized I wrote Dominique instead of Dominick. That's what happens when you get soooooooo excited about this wonderful news. As soon as I clicked publish, I realized what I did. You, Jon, and Dominick are in my prayers tonight.
Love, Amy V.

JuJu - said...

I hope that things move miraculously quick!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

My joy is overwhelming for you. What a blessing you are to our family and very soon you will be a blessing to a very precious, lovable, handsome, sweet chunky monkey.

All my love,
Maw Maw Dee

Anonymous said...

Lynn and Jonathan,
Johnny and I are so excited that the long journey that you both have been on is finally coming to an end. Get ready to start a NEW journey that will surely bring great joy to both of you. Dominick is so lucky and blessed to have two such loving parents.
God Bless you both!!
Pop and Hunnie