Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dominick is OUT-OUT-OUT of PGN!!!

Praise Jesus, I can't believe I can finally say that. Let me say it again... WE ARE OUT!!! That's my new favorite word "out". My next new favorite word will be PINK (when you get your embassy appointment and your okay to travel, it comes on a pink slip, so we people in the Adoption-World just say "I have PINK" and that means we are going to pick up our babies and take them home forever.

Okay, so I got "The Call" Monday morning (Sept. 11) while at work. The office called me in my classroom and said "You have a call" and that never happens, so I got very excited. When I went into the office I asked "Is it a hispanic lady on the phone?" and they said yes, and then I got even more excited. And of course the lady on the phone ended up being the director of my adoption agency telling me that PGN has approved Dominick's case and we will be traveling to get him in 3-5 weeks!!! So the office were the first to know since they were all standing there when I took the call, then I tried to call Jon but he didn't answer, so the first grade teachers were the second to know because they were the ones watching my class while I took the call. Then I called my mom at her office and told her and she started crying and waving her blue pom-poms that she's been carrying around with her for months, so her whole office started CHEERING, it was so funny. Then I finally got in touch with my hubby and of course he was ecstatic! Poor guy, everyone knew before him, hee-hee. And of course the first thing I did when I got home was to get on my hands and knees and thank God for answering my prayers, Praise God!

Things have not stopped since I got that call with all the excitement plus we have other things going on, so that's why it took me awhile to make my announcement on my blogsite. I have tons of things to do to get ready for this trip (more paper work and documents to be notarized to finalize the adoption, getting things ready to take my maternity leave from work, getting Dominick on our insurance, and let's not forget to send my attorney the other half of his money or I won't be getting my baby!).

So, after being stuck in PGN for 20 weeks (143 days), I am finally OUT!!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus. What a burden that has been lifted. I have been so depressed lately but now I'm happy. I wish I lived closer to you so that I could help you with some things. Such awesome news. We are blessed. Dominick is a blessing. He is so precious to us.
Maw Maw Dee

Dominick's Mommy said...

Now I'm gonna have to find some PINK pom-poms for you to cheer when we get our PINK slip! WOOOOHOOOO!!!

Andrea said...

God is good, and He does answer prayers! I am SOOOO excited that you're finally OUT. We've been cheering you on the last few weeks, and I am just thrilled! Now- here's the most important question- what will Dominick be for HALLOWEEN since he'll be HOME!!!! Best wishes for you and your family!!

JuJu - said...

I am rejoicing with you my friend! I cried when I read the news - God is faithful and though we don't always see the prayers answered in OUR time - he is faithfull to his word and he does hear our prayers and answer them!
I think you should do a PGN cheer with the pink pom-poms and video it for your blog:)hahahahaha!

I may be in Guatemala when you go for your pick up - I would love to meet you guys!

The McKenzie Crew celebrates your victory and we pray that everything will move qucikly for you to come home!!!!



JuJu - said...

Oh yeah woooooooo-hooooooooooooo:)

Anonymous said...

Oh Lyn!!!! We are sooo thrilled for you all. Go get that little sweetie and bring him back to cajun country. haha. God Bless you and your entire family!!!

Christine, Kimble and Ann Marie

Anonymous said...

Lynn now you can go get Dominick's Halloween Costume. I am sooooooo happy for you and Jon and your whole family. Your dream has come true. I know when he gets home, those chubby cheeks will be kissed a lot. I can't wait to meet him.
Mrs. Rhonda

JuJu - said...

Yes - I am going back to Guat - going to help find some babies a home:)

Let me know when you are going.

I am praying - God is really opening some doors for me and I want to follow his plan for my life and for my family - so keep me in your prayers!

We are so happy for you to be out of PGN!!

I do remember meeting you!

Hope to see you in Guatemala!!


Anonymous said...

Lynn, I am soooo excited for you and Jon--I was part of that cheering crew at your mom's work!!!
God chooses things in HIS time--not our time!!!! You will finally get to experience the wonderful world of parenthood. This is a journey that no words can express!!
Can't wait to see that little man!!! Take care-- Mary R.
aka "Emily's mom"