Sunday, September 24, 2006


My 30th birthday is coming up in December and believe it or not, I'm actually really excited about turning 30. Don't ask me why...I guess it just seems like a good age or something. Anyway, it made me start thinking about when Jonathan and I got married 9.5 years ago. I was only 20 years old and I repeatedly said "I don't want any kids until I'm at least 30 years old." I think the reason was because I wanted to finish college, save money and buy a house. But I also thought it was neat when I saw a somewhat older couple with their first baby. Well, about 4 years into our marriage, I was graduating from college, we had just bought our first house, and Jon and I both decided we were ready to start expanding our family. So we began the long journey that has finally led us to our precious Dominick. We tried to conceive for over 5 years, resulting in 3 heartrending miscarriages and a strained marriage. Do I regret all those years of trying to get pregnant? Absolutely not, that was God's perfect way of preparing our hearts for this precious baby He had always intended to be ours. God knew it all along, but Jon and I had to walk the road of infertility and loss after loss to find God's chosen path for our lives. Now the whole picture is crystal clear, but there was no way for us to see it until God had fully ripened our hearts and opened our eyes. I now fully understand why God has to put you through trials and tribulations to get you where he wants you to be. And I'm getting what I asked for, to wait until I'm just about 30 before having our first baby.

This was one of our engagement pictures. Look how long my hair was, it was down to my waist!

This dress was a size ZERO and still had to be tightened up 3 times! I know those days are long gone.

Me and my Daddy walking down the aisle to be given away to my new husband.

Jonathan and I, HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!


Andrea said...

My 32nd bday is Friday, and I can honestly say that 30's are the BEST! I think it's a great time to be a Mom. I had no idea who I was, and what I was doing before now. All in His PERFECT timing! And your dress was GORGEOUS!

HollyGee said...

You are owning him in that bottom picture.

Happy, Happy Birthday to you. I'm pretty sure I'll be 32 this year, I can barely keep track anymore.


JuJu - said...

I am happy Dominick will be home soon:)
You and your hubby look cute!


Mackenzie's Forever Family said...

What a great post.


Anonymous said...

You were such a beautiful bride, Lynn. My mom still talks about how you were one of the prettiest brides she's ever seen - like a porcelain doll.
