Thursday, July 17, 2008


Sorry its been so long since I've posted again. Gosh the summer has gone by so fast and we've been keeping busy. Starting next Monday, I officially have 2 weeks to get my class ready before school starts back. Here are a few pictures of what Little Man has been doing lately.

Dominick has been going to Art classes on Monday and Tuesday. This was a two day Art project and believe it or not, he made this whole picture himself (with help of course). It involved drawing and coloring, paining, cutting and gluing.

A friend's birthday party.

Fun at a water park. We spent 4 fun days hanging out with the Pop and Hunnie.

Fun with cousins. Believe it or not, this teeny tiny pool is plenty big enough for 3 kiddos. They entertain themselves quite nicely in this pathetic pool.

Dominick colors EVERY wall of the tub with bath crayons EVERY night. He loves it but Mom and Dad are getting a bit tired of scrubbing this junk of the walls every night.


Janice said...

Dominick is an ARTIST!!! Go Dominick! That is great fun for him I am sure. He is so losing that baby look..He looks like a little boy!!!Much too fast. Great to see pictures as always! kisses to Dominick. Miss ya'll

Rhonda said...

Wow that picture is awesome. Dominick did a great job, even if he had a little help.
Love the tiny hiney. I'm afraid to let Amelia use her bath crayons. I'm afraid she will start writing on the regular walls with her regular crayons.
Enjoy your next two weeks with Little Man.