Sunday, June 22, 2008

Murder Mystery Party

This group of ladies is not only my co-workers (all 1st grade teachers and one kindergarten teacher), they are also some of the closest friends I have. We got together for one of those Murder Mystery parties where you have to dress up. The theme was a Class Reunion but we all had a character we had to dress as and act as for the evening.
Can you guess which one I am???

That's me! I was supposed to be a Hindu Indian. We had so much fun!!!

Little Man relaxing in the pool at his grandparents' house (Pop & Hunnie).

By the way, we are so proud of our Little Man, he is about 95% potty trained. He went about 5 days with no accidents and he has stayed dry all night for the last few nights. YIPPEEE!!!


Rhonda said...

Good job Dominick. I've been working with Amelia when I have her. I can't wait till she is potty trained. It's hard with the custody visitation. Nothing is consistant.

Anonymous said...

The murder mystery game sounded like a lot of fun. Pop and Hunnie's pool is beautiful. Little Man sure looked like he was very comfortable in the water. I knew Dominick would be easy to train!!!!! He is so lovable.

Janice said...

Oh that must have been fun!! You look too cute and Mr. Man with his little acrobat pose chilling out in the pool...Somebody has it made!!! Hugs and kisses to that cutie p.