Many people have told me that the Terrible 3's are worse than the Terrible 2's, mostly because their children got such a sassy mouth, but I didn't think much of it. But I am already beginning to see exactly what they were talking about. Little Man is only 2 1/2 and has already started it and it is NOT FUN for me. I am always telling him "That's not nice" and he has turned it around on me. Any time I correct him or don't give him what he wants, he points his finger at me and yells "YOU NOT NICE MOMMA, YOU NOT NICE". He also tells me "DON'T TELL ME BE QUIET" or "DON'T TELL ME SIT DOWN" or "GET AWAY MOMMA, GET AWAY FROM ME" or "TURN AROUND MOMMA, DON'T LOOK AT ME". I'll say "Don't talk to Momma like that, that's not nice and he yells "NO, YOU NOT NICE MOMMA, YOU GO TIME OUT". Lovely, my child is repeating exactly what I have been saying to him. It is so true that our little ones copy exactly the things we do and say.
This isn't the best video, he had just recited his letters, letter sounds (a-h) and numbers perfectly before I ran to get the camera. Of course he had to be silly when I got the camera, I can never get it on camera. And if you noticed, stupid me told him the wrong sound for g. Poor child...his mother is confusing him more. He also knows his colors (perfectly), days of the week, months of the year and shapes (not so perfectly). I didn't even know he knew the days and months until he started saying them one day. They must have taught him at day care.