Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry, I'm guilty once again about taking forever to update my blog. I have off this week for Thanksgiving and I'm so enjoying being a pretend stay-at-home momma. Love it!!! I'll be leaving Thursday through Sunday to go to Jon's parents' house and then my parents'. We are going to go to the French Quarter in New Orleans one of those days, I can't wait. It's been over a year since I've been there, other than when I took Little Man to the Aquarium but we didn't actually walk around the French Quarter that time. I've been planning Dominick's b-day party, I'll tell you more about that next time I update.


Anonymous said...

It's about time you updated. Dad was saying today that he was missing seeing new pictures of Little Man. He sure is a cutie!!!!
Can't wait to see all of you....in two days.


Rhonda said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
Dominick is so handsome standing next to the turkey on your front lawn. He is getting so big. I can't believe he will be "2". Time is flying. Hope you have time to bring Dominick to John Slidell Park while you are in town. He will love it. It is geared for the smaller children.