Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween

Our computer crashed so that is why I'm late with new pictures. Little Man did not celebrate Halloween because we were buying our new computer that night. But he did go to 2 parties the weekend before and he had so much fun.

Dominick loved his makeup. He kept pointing at his face and saying makeup. Then on Sunday when it was time to get ready for party number 2, he refused to get off of his swing until I told him it was time to put on his makeup. He jumped off the swing and ran to the door and kept saying makeup, makeup and pointing to his face. Luckily he is all boy or else I'd be a little worried about his love of makeup, hee-hee. By the way, Dominick knows all of his colors most of the time. If you put a bunch of blocks in front of him and tell him to show you a particular color, he does almost always. He does get confused sometimes. He can also tell you a color if you ask him what color is this. He also can count to 5 when he feels like it. But he is best at telling us NO!

Dominick also has a cool looking dragon costume that his Daddy insisted on buying but he cannot wear it because it is way too hot. I'll put him in it one of these days and take pictures.


Anonymous said...

Oh My!!!!! What a cute clown, just adorable. You didn't tell me he has been learning to count...I knew he was learning his colors. What a smart little fellow. I'm so proud of him. Can't wait to see him next weekend.


Rhonda said...

My goodness....he is sooo smart. He is the cutest little clown. That is so funny the way he loves to put on his clown makeup.
Maybe you can use the dragon costume for Mardi Gras. Hopefully, it will be cool that day too. We never know what our weather will do.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

He is one adorable little clown.

Rhonda said...

Hey Lynn,
I need a up-date on some Dominick cuteness.

junglemama said...

What a great clown your son made. :)