Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dadda!!!

So sorry I've been a terrible blogger lately. I've been super busy and tired with all the extra things going on at school lately. Only 9 days left then off to the Florida beaches we go, Hippeeeee!!!

Jon's 34th b-day is this coming Friday so I took Dominick to Clayfish Bisque ( a pottery place) to paint something for his Dadda. He painted a flask-looking vase thing and we put his hand print on one side. The finished product won't be ready until Sat. because they have to glaze it and fire it and stuff. It was really fun and we will definitely be going back to do more pottery in the future. I'll post a picture of the finished product next week.

This is Little Man getting ready to paintDominick is pretend painting with water here.

A lady was sponge-painting his hand to do the hand print and Dominick was not happy.
This is the vase with his hand print.

When we were finished our painting, Dominick went and sat under the counter in a booster seat and thought he was THE MAN sitting in a big-boy chair. By the way, I took off his shirt so he wouldn't get paint on it in case you were wondering.

The next few pictures were taken on one of our many trips to the zoo.
Dominick's hair is getting so long. I don't especially like it long but I'm trying to let in grow out in a bowl type hair style. I just love his straight hair. Everyone in my family has super curly hair, which we are not so fond of, so I'm in love with his silky straight hair.


Anonymous said...

Was just wondering when you would post my little hunk of love!!!!!!!
He has grown since we've seen him and I think he's getting even cutier. How can that be....I had the three most beautiful children in the world and now my grandson is the most beautiful baby in the whole world.
Sure do LOVE...... that straight, silky, dark hair. People always say "You are so lucky to have curly hair." My reply is "I wish I could trade for your straight hair. I spend so much time straightening it every day." And since we all have very light hair and blue eyes, his dark eyes are also very special.
Can't wait to see all of you this weekend.
Maw Maw Dee

JuJu - said...

Cool idea = the pottery - I might steal that one for Father's Day:)

He is as cute as ever;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn! I love the pic of him sitting in that chair under the table:) What a cutie!!!! And now only 7 days left...YAY!!!!
Love ya,

Candy said...

I was about to slap you on the hand with a ruler for not blogging haha...PLEASE come see us on the 4th...HUgs Candy and Kya