#1 I got a call at work Monday telling me that my sweet Dominick got kicked out of daycare for 24 hours...
for having diahrea 3 times. So I got to stay home with him today and loved every minute of it!!!!! He was totally fine today, but I didn't give him any milk at all. I really think it is the milk that does that to him.
#2 Dominick has a big Easter egg hunt at church this coming Saturday, along with pony rides and a petting zoo. So he has been practicing his egg hunting skills daily. He could be a good little egg hunter if only he would keep the eggs in the basket and not throw them all back out!
#3 Jon and I celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary last Thursday. He bought me some beeeautiful roses, and a Coach purse, Coach wallet, and Coach key chain. He also gave me the OK to go out a buy a new wedding ring set which I've been wanting for a long time. I just can't make myself spend that much money at this time. But if you know me, you know I could change my mind any day on that issue. I'll keep you posted. I bought Jon a collector's set of solid gold China Bear coins (he collects them). We also went out to eat at...
Chucky Cheeses!!! Yes, quite a strange place to eat on your Anniversary.
These are making my dining room smell oh so good.
Jon picked this out all by himself. I love surprises!
Notice Little Man's hand in the left corner trying to grab my wallet off the table. He thinks my keys and wallet belong to him since he helped his Daddy pick them out. Seriously!
I have a cute story about our "Anniversary Dinner" at Chucky Cheeses. Jon wanted to have his picture taken with Dominick in a little picture booth and he redid it like 4 times b/c Dominick kept turning his head. Then he wanted me to have my picture taken with Dominick. Okay, no big deal. Then he took home a handful of the little game token coins...I didn't think anything of it. Well, a few days later he said "I want to have those pictures from Chucky Cheeses framed with one of the game token coins." And I was like "WHAT THE H-LL!" Then he said, "Do you realize what night those pictures were taken? It was on our 10th Anniversary plus that was Dominick's first time at Chucky Cheeses". And I was like "Aaawwwww, how sweet!" I must admit, I didn't think my husband could be that sentimental. I guess strange things happen to you when you become a Mommy or Daddy.
Okay, I am so sorry I forgot your anniversary. Also , good job Jon!! I will have to tell Jason that and maybe I can get a new set... yeah right!! Anyway, the milk sounds like the reason, what does the doc say? Can't wait to see y'all!!
Your post about Jon made me cry. I didn't think Jon was that sentimental either. Children do change a marriage.
Keep Dominick practicing for the egg hunt. What fun that will be!!!!
Maw Maw Dee
Oh how I wish Ana would get kicked out of day care! For some reason, the last two days have been SOOOO hard for me to leave her at daycare! I have managed not to cry for the first 5 months she was in day care but suddenly I started to cry yesterday and today! It's just not fair! :( I love the pictures of Dominick hunting eggs! He is such a doll! I think he would make a wonderful future boyfriend for my Ana!!! :)
Happy Anniversary...the big 10 I hope Chunky Monkey gets to feeling better soon. I know you loved your day with him though
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