Sunday, February 4, 2007

Video of Dominick

My mom brought it to my attention that maybe I was a little too sarcastic in my last post when I said that I had not told Jon that I was bringing Dominick to the doctor. So I want to clarify, Jon is a wonderful, wonderful dad and would do ANYTHING for our little Dominick. I was totally joking. Jon does complain about the thousands of dollars in doctor and hospital bills we've had to pay in the last 3 months, but he would never ask me to not take Dominick to the doctor. After reading the last post again, I can see how it could sound bad if you didn't know Jon and I well, but it really wasn't meant that way. I was never going to try to hide the fact that I was taking our Little Man to the doctor, I just meant that I was taking him and hadn't told Jon yet. Jon read the post and thought it was funny, but I just hope you all know that I was really joking.
I finally figured out how to post videos. This is a video of Dominick playing with the vapor from his Froggie Humidifier. You'll notice in the video clip that when he finally notices I have the camera out, he runs to me grabbing for the camera saying "BABY". Any time he sees himself in a picture of mirror, he says "BABY". He knows that he can see his picture on my cell phone and camera so he was grabbing it saying "BABY".

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The doctor said Dominick's ears are getting better. However, I ended up at the doctor on Saturday with a sinus infection and low fever. I felt pretty yucky this weekend so Jon brought Dominick to the mall today so I could take a nap. I was pretty worried because Jon seemed excited and he can be really dangerous when it comes to shopping. But he only bought one really cute summer outfit for Dominick and a Valentine's present for me. He made me open it early. It was so sweet, I was just telling him this morning that my casual watch was getting scratched up. So he bought me a watch, it's pretty cool and SO sweet.


Anonymous said...

I love the video. Dominick is so sweet and adorable. He is walking so good! He must be all over the place now.
Mrs. Rhonda

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn! I LOVE, LOVE the video!!! He is just too cute! Hope you are feeling better and remember...4 day week!!! YAY!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Please do videos more often!!!!! Dominick is too funny, entertaining us and he entertains
himself. Quoting Betsy "He's just a chunk of sweetness."

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn, Dominick is too cute cracking himself up over the froggie!
I hope you feel better.
p.s. I thought your sarcasm was funny too!!


more videos please!

JuJu - said...

hahahaha! I love that video!!! He is sooooooo smart - I love his little voice and his laughter is contageous!You guys seem so happy and your baby boy is GORGEOUS - I just want to squeeze his chubby self every time I see his pic.!!!


Candy said...

That is so funny...he loves that humidifier!!! Thanks for posting a video>..Hugs Candy and Kya Blu

Jodi Crubaugh said...

How sweet!!! Dominick is a doll!! I totally understand the Dr. Bills! Ana has been in and out of the Dr's office herself!!! Mam is getting tired! But not tired of Ana! :) Just tired.

Angel said...

I love that video. I never knew humidifier were SO COOL! Hee hee. He is so fun! Angel