Dominick got a special package in the mail from the McKenzie Crew on Thursday but I've been too tired to post pictures. They sent him a bunch of John-Bryan's cool clothes, some super cool slippers, and a cool hammer!!! Thank you so much, ya'll are too sweet!!!
Lot's of cool new clothes!New hammer from the McKenzie Crew...It's funny because I had been wanting to buy this hammer for Dominick since before he even came home, but just never got around to it. When he hits it on something, it makes noises and the back lights up.
He loves to watch it light up.
Cool slippers with matching it!
He loves to watch it light up.
Cool slippers with matching it!
Dominick has a little cold. I cried and cried when he came home from daycare on Thursday with diaper rash and a cold. We knew he'd get sick from the other kids but I guess I didn't think it would happen so soon. I do like his daycare and he is doing good, but I still just hate leaving him. I was soooo enjoying being at home with him everyday. But I am so thankful for the 3 months I was able to stay home with him and for all the holidays and summers I have off. Our next holiday is in February for Mardi Gras and I get 3 days off, so I'll be counting down the days for that.
My precious grandson looks as if he's a little under the weather with that awful cold. Still cute as ever though. Sure do miss you guys. Dominick already has a father/like son. Your Dad thinks Dominick will be a good athlete and Jon will surely make a good carpenter out of him. GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maw Maw Dee
looks like Dominick made out. Can't wait to see him in all his new clothes.
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