Thursday, November 23, 2006


Dominick's pictures finally came in. He wore 4 different outfits and they took at least 10 shots in each because my angel was being somewhat uncooperative. He refused to stand up, continued to crawl off the spot we sat him in, and when they held up anything to try to make him smile, he would point at it. It took FOREVER! But these came out great and here they are.

This is one of my favorites. This is the first outfit we ever bought for Dominick the week we got his referral. Jon picked it out and I thought it was so sweet that he was already wanting to buy him clothes.

This is my least favorite, but still cute. I like the little bear. This is the one and only picture he was not chewing on the blocks.
This is my favorite. He's wearing a Guatemalan hat, holding a Guatemalan boy doll, and sitting on a hand made blanket from Guatemala.

We took this picture because we have the same picture of my niece sitting in a pail like this. So now my parents have a picture like this of both of their grand babies.

By the way, our Thanksgiving Day was great. Nothing big, but really nice. Now I need to get myself to bed so I can get up bright and early for Black Friday shopping...WOOO-HOOO!!! I don't know how much fun it will be because I'm leaving my little man at home with his Dada and Paw Paw for a few hours and I've never left him before. I do NOT like being away from my angel and he does NOT like being away from his Momma. I know he'll be fine, I just don't like being away from him AT ALL.


Anonymous said...

You're least favorite pictures is totally my favorite one! I just love him, Lynn! Those cheeks are absolutely screaming to be smooshed.

Have fun shopping tomorrow. I can't believe you're going to face the 5 a.m. crowds. Brave woman, you are. ;)


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I love the Guatemalan pic. They are all so adorable. He is too cute. Motherhood has made you crazy for fighting those crowds shopping. Have fun!!!

JuJu - said...

Happy First thanksgiving as a family:):)

I am loving the expressions he is making in all of these photos!


Andrea said...

Wow, they are all AMAZING. I like your 'least fave' one as well. My personal favorite is the Guatemala theme. SO cute. He really is smooshable, like Betsy says. Too cute!

Now you'll have to tell us what you got on Black Friday. Me? A shower curtain and two gifts. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the little cow outfit!! All of your pictures turned out great! How did the shopping go? You are so brave! I made my husband go before Thanksgiving, because I HATE big crowds. I have not always been that way. I know Dominick was happy to see his mommy when you got home!