Saturday, November 11, 2006


Yeah, you read that right, Dominick is taking a nap as I type this. I just got off the phone with a friend who was telling me about some books she read on sleeping and how if children do not get enough sleep during the day, they won't sleep well at night and so on. I already new this to an extent but it made me more aware of what is going on with Dominick. He is tired during the day and must nap. So when I got off the phone Dominick was being Mr. Cranky Pants and I stuck him in his bed with a bottle. He screamed, of course, and didn't want the bottle, but shortly after I walked out of his room, he stopped crying. I peeked in and he was drinking his bottle and now he's sleeping. WOW, that was easy!!!!

Dominick has been sick with a cold so I finally took him to the doctor Thursday and the cold wasn't too bad but he said that half on his ear canal was filled with puss-YUCK! Poor baby, he wasn't even pulling at his ear. Anyway, he's on antibiotics and feeling a little better.

I met my best friend, Dominick Nanny, at a zoo yesterday and we had a lot of fun. By the way, this friend of mine has triplets and everywhere she goes people make the most rude, stupid comments to her. Some strangers even have the nerve to ask her if she was on fertility drugs! So next time you see someone with twins or more, consider ignoring them and not making a comment, it is really aggravating to those parents. If you MUST make a comment, just say "Awww, your babies are so cute". Don't say "You really have your hands full".

I think this is the sweetest picture. Mickey (dog) is laying on a pillow on the sofa and Dominick went up to him and laid his head down for s brief second. I was AWWWW, so Dominick kept doing it. And yes, we do keep a pillow on the sofa for the dogs because they love people pillows and we loooove our fur-babies.

Dominick's first trip to the zoo. And there will be many more because we live 10 minutes from a zoo and I'm getting a family membership.

Dominick pointing to a duck at the zoo. He couldn't see all the animals because he was too low in his stroller or they were too far away, but when he did see them he got soooo excited.

Dominick was watching the monkeys playing.

Two of the triplets and Dominick at the zoo. Check out how small their Momma is after giving birth to triplets. You go girl!!!

One of my friend's babies, Adam, saying "What's up"!!!!

My godchild, Geoffrey chillin' on a hot November day.


Anonymous said...

Glad all of you had fun at the zoo.
Adam & Geoffrey are adorable and hopefully will be good buddies of Dominick.


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Looks like so much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Baton Rouge zoo. I knew you had mentioned Louisiana in reference to your parents, but did not know where you were actually from. I've been reading your blog for a few months. My brother and sister-in-law are adopting a baby girl from Guatemala and already have a 4 year old girl from there as well. I have a daughter, 13, of Mexican decent. They live in Hammond. I'm in Baton Rouge. Thanks for sharing your adoption adventure!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn
We had a great time at the zoo too! It was so nice to see you in action as a mommy! You are a natural. And Dominick is one cute little boy. He is so sweet and very smart. I enjoyed every second of the time with y'all!

JuJu - said...

Glad you had fun at the zoo!
