Monday, November 27, 2006


A few of you asked about my shopping on Black Friday. It is a tradition that my mom and I ALWAYS go shopping together the day after Thanksgiving. I decided to leave Dominick home with his Dada (Jon) since he's been having a cold. Jon had NEVER changed a diaper before (yes you heard that right, NEVER), so I taught him how to change a pee-pee diaper that morning and waited until after Dominick had a poo-poo diaper before I left because Dada said he could NOT change a poo-poo diaper. So then we left and shopped for a few hours. We then went home and decided we'd do more shopping later that evening. Well, when we got home Dada was severely traumatized because Dominick had another poo-poo diaper and Dada had to change it! Too funny!!! He was really traumatized and is scared to ever be left with Dominick again. Well, when we got home from shopping Dominick was wheezing so I called the doctor and he said I needed to take him to a late night clinic because it would only get worse in the night. So much for our shopping plans, instead we spent the next 4-5 hours at a clinic having X-rays, RSV tests, and breathing treatments. Dominick is OK, it was just bronciolitus and the ear infection he's been having for 2 weeks. He is now on antibiotics, steroids, and breathing treatments. Yuck!

Proud Momma!

Our Happy Family on Thanksgiving Day!

My mother-in-law (Jon's mom) had a corsage made for Dominick and me for our first Thanksgiving together. Dominick instantly started eating the flowers off of his, so he didn't wear it for long.

My corsage

Hello Puppies, I'm sorry Momma locked you behind this gate. If you wouldn't beg everyone for their food she would let you come sit with us.

Momma, I feel sorry for the puppies. They look sad behind this gate.


Anonymous said...

Little Man sure does enjoy feeding the dogs. He does it so care free, like that's what he's suppose to do. Sure is a cutie.

Maw Maw Dee

JuJu - said...

That is one cute fella - I think he has the sweetest face ever -
I am soo glad he pooped for your husband:) I think that is hysterical!!!!Poor Dominick - I hope he is OK!
The pis of you guys are so beautiful!


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! The poo-poo diaper story is funny. When Zo gets stuck with one of those he uses about three hundred wipes:)

I love Dominick's portraits, he such a handsome little guy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your shopping plans. You are going to have to toughen the old man up! (LOL)

Great Family Pics!

Anonymous said...

Great family picture. I'm glad to know Dominick is going to be fine. Stinks about the breathing treatments though. All I can say is welcome to motherhood!!! So much fun!

I love the poo poo story too!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... could he be any cuter?????? Ya'll make such an awesome looking family!!!
