Saturday, August 26, 2006

The World of Wating-on-Dominick

Not much new is happening in the world of Waiting-on-Dominick. For those of you that don't fully understand the whole process, when your case gets kicked out, it kinda starts all over as far as the order it was received. Well, after my last kick out, I was resubmitted on July 31 and the Big Guy (PGN director, aka Attorney General) is now signing off on cases ranging from July 1-20. So, IF I HAVEN'T GOTTEN KICKED OUT AGAIN, my case should be coming up soon. I guess that's why I've been a nervous wreck lately and keep crying to my poor husband saying "What if it gets kicked out again???". All I can say is that it is a horrible feeling when you are kicked out, as I'm sure many of you already know from experience and the rest of you can only imagine.

I have been reeaaaally missing my Chunky Monkey lately. I keep running all those precious memories of my week with him through my mind over and over and I miss him soooooooo much!!! I just keep thinking of how inquisitive he was, when we would walk into a new room of the hotel, he would instantly start turning his little head all over and studying the pictures on the wall and his surroundings. And that precious little laugh of his... often times when someone was talking to me, little Chunky Monkey would watch them and then suddenly start laughing as if they were talking to him. Oh my gosh, he was just so precious! I'm to the point where as much as I want him home, I really just want to see him (and hold him and kiss him of course). I think Hubbie and I have decided, if Dominick isn't home by Thanksgiving we are gonna go visit him again. I know he will probably/hopefully be home by then, and if not it's a horribly long time to wait to see your baby, but that's the plan for now. I would be itching to go see him now (actually I am itching to see him) but I really don't want to take off of work and use up a whole week of time I'd have home with him. But of course we teachers get a whole week off for Thanksgiving, so that's why we came up with that date. I just can't wait for Jon to see his son, he has no idea how much his love for Dominick is gonna make his heart want to explode.

Okay, so guess what our plans are for our Saturday evening (today). Go eat out (as we do every Sat.) and then go shopping for Chunky Monkey, YAAAY!!! When hubbie asked what I wanted to do after dinner, I said "Let's go look at baby stuff!!!" That's how it always begins, just looking. But it usually (always) turns out with buying, buying, buying!!! Dominick is so lucky to have 2 parents who both loooove to shop and spend money.

Wishing all of you a good weekend and praying like crazy for all of you PGN er's.


Anonymous said...

I miss Chunky Monkey too!!! And surely we'll have him home a long time before Thanksgiving. Praying, praying and more praying for you, Jonathan and Chunky Monkey.
Maw Maw Dee
P.S. I think Chunky Monkey would love to chew on a big turkey leg...what do you think?????

Dominick's Mommy said...

Yes Mom, I know Dominick would love your Cajun Thanksgiving food. He already loves to eat enouph, what are we gonna do with him once he discovers Cajun food? He will always have that little beak open begging for more of Maw Maw's food.
Love You,

Anonymous said...

Cajun Thanksgiving Food??? Sounds great! Nothing wrong with a healthy appetite, especially for something that sounds as good as that!

Dominick's Mommy said...

Okay Girl, I've been knowing you for like 19 years. If you haven't had Cajun Thanksgiving food, it's about time you spend a holiday with us and try it. Even though I don't normally cook, I actually make a darn good rice dressing to add to my mom's food.