Saturday, March 21, 2009

St. Jude's Hospital Fundraiser

Each day at Dominick's school, 7 children get a "job" such as line leader, fish feeder, and flag holder. A few days ago Dominick came home and said he was the "flag holder" and he kept reciting the pledge of allegiance. Here is a video I was lucky to get, turn up your volume and listen to my precious little man!

As you can see, he is not great at sitting still, haha!

Dominick had a trike-a-than at school to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. It was the cutest thing ever, he had soooo much fun and raised $75.00 for St. Jude's! Thanks to all of you who sponsored my Little Man. Here are some pictures:

The bikers are gearing up with their helmets!

I was surprised and quite impressed by Dominick's competitive side in this trike-a-than. He pedaled his little legs full-force for the whole 30 minutes. It was so funny...they had many bike crashes, but once Dominick got the hang of it he was darting around other bikers, trying to stay ahead of certain "friends".

How do ya like my fashionable Guess clothes Lala? Are the shorts to raggidy or do ya think I look hot?Oh cool, now two girls want my attention??? I must be hot after all!

Here's a video of the beginning, before he really got the hang of it.

And yes, the loudest kid that is screaming "MOMMY!" is Dominick. That boy is absolutely the loudest child I have ever heard...all the time-every where we go!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Baseball Fun

Dominick has suddenly showed an interest in sports and has been carrying balls around asking us to play with him. Jon pitched a few balls to him and he actually hit a few so Jon ran out and bought him a t-ball set and a soccer goal set.

Don't ask me how he ends up hitting the ball with his eyes closed...luck maybe???

I told him Paw Paw would be soooo proud so now he keeps asking for Paw Paw to come visit. Time for Paw Paw to retire and move closer to couch Little Man's baseball team (my dad couched my brothers' baseball teams every summer for many years.