Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus and Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas! We went to my parents' house and everything was great! This was our first Christmas to have my two nieces (Dominick's beloved cousins) with us so it was special and fun. Dominick got a big boy bike amongst tons of other things, but one of the fun things for me was all the girly toys my nieces got. They got a kitchen set, ironing board, vacuum, dolls, strollers, etc. I had so much fun putting the kitchen set together. Since I don't have a girl (and probably never will-but that's OK), I love buying the girly toys for my nieces. I guess God gave me 2 little nieces so I'd have just enough fun with all the girly things I would have missed out on otherwise.

The most exciting thing in my life this past week has been planning for Dominick's new room. We are redecorating his room in dinosaurs. I have ordered all new furniture which should be here in about a week, and I've been ordering new curtains, bedding, pictures, and accessories in dinosaurs (Dominick's new passion is dinosaurs).

I ordered the bed, pull-out bed, dresser, mirror and chest of drawers. I will probably also order the night stand later because Jon wants it for when Dominick is older. He said he doesn't like "mis-matched furniture" so he wants me to add the night stand now instead of trying to get one to match later if necessary.

I'll try to post Christmas pictures this week, but you know how terrible I am about updating so don't hold your breath.


Rhonda said...

That bedroom set is gorgeous. Your Mom has the three children's picture up at work. I can't believe how big Dominick has gotten. He really is a Little Man now. So glad to see your post. I know your family had a great time having all three children together this year. Looking forward to your next post.

JuJu - said...

I am glad to read an update:) Hope yrou family is doing well - tell yoru Mom i said hi too:)

He is getting so big and is so handsome:)

Anonymous said...

The furniture is so adorable. He will definitely be able to grow into it. So glad you posted. I hope Dominick's birthday was great.
