Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gotcha Day

We celebrated our 2nd Gotcha Day on October 4th. Well, Dominick actually insisted on having his cake the day before. He saw it on the counter and insisted on eating it! It is so weird that it has only been 2 years, it feels like Dominick has been in our family forever.

What's new with Little Man? Well, he has always loved books but he loves them more than ever...especially dinosaur books. He has most of his favorites memorised and Mommy and Daddy are so tired of reading the same books over and over. His behavior has been pretty good lately. He loves going to daycare and will be starting Pre-K 3 school in December. He can't wait to go to "big boy school".

This is how he fell asleep the other night. He had been completely knocked out for several hours when I took this pictures. After we have read him books many times, he takes over and reads the books to his stuffed animals until he falls asleep. So sweet!!!

This is the new playground at our local zoo. We have been going every week now that the weather has cooled off a little.


Rhonda said...

Dominick's sleeping picture is so sweet. I love pictures of babies sleeping.
That playground is awesome. Dominick must love it.
So glad to see a new post. Dominick is getting so big.

Janice said...

well it just hit me like a ton of bricks! It was Dominick's special day too on Oct. 4th.. Happy Homecoming sweet baby boy! You are such a beautiful blessing to your mommy and daddy and to ALL of us!God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

That is the most beautiful child. He is precious. I love that he loves books. How awesome. Ya'll take care and hope everyone is doing wonderful!!!


Anonymous said...

My precious grandson. We miss him so much. Still is my favorite grandson!!!!!!!!!!

Maw Maw