Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fun with Cousins

Dominick's cousins spent the weekend with us and they had so much fun. They were so sweet to eachother and loved playing together. Dominick absolutely loves other children, especially kids that are older than him. Which confuses me even more about whether or not we should adopt another child. We really like the idea of Dominick being an only child. Life is so hectic and things are just so expensive, Jon and I both love the idea of us being able to totally indulge one child. It would be cool to be able to allow him to bring a friend every time we go on vacation, put him in every sport and activity he wants, send him to the best private schools, buy him a brand new car when he's older, and so on. But on the other hand, what if our Little Man will always regret not having a sibling??? I don't know why we stress so much over whether or not we should have a second child, I feel completely confident that God will reveal to us what his plan is for our future and Dominck's best interest. If He wants Dominick to have a sibling, He will open the right doors and lay it upon our hearts for that to happen. And if not, I will be forever grateful for my one perfect, precious child.


Anonymous said...

Oh my...what beautiful grandchildren I have. They did play together so well.


Rhonda said...

Awe..they look like they were having so much fun.