Dominick is beginning to try to say so many new words, he probably says between 20-30 words. They aren't clear but I can understand what he's saying. He can also count to 3!!! No joke, I've been counting items around the house with him for months (remember I'm a first grade teacher, that's what I do). So this week when I said one and held up my finger, he'd held up a few fingers and say "two" and then "three". Now he doesn't hold up the correct amount of fingers, he's just imitating me. He also knows the sign language for "Momma, Daddy, more, eat, go, no more, bath". Also when he's excited he usually says "Oooooo". He saw a new toy at the mall last night and he brought it to me and said "Ooooo" and I said "Wow" and then he started saying "Wow". So cute! He seems that he understands everything I say to him. It kinda freaks me out sometimes.
One more thing...this child LOVES to watch THE WIGGLES!!! He has been walking around the house for the last week flapping his arms like a duck saying "QUACK-QUACK, DOO-DOO-DOO" . I finally figured out today what he's doing. There is a song on THE WIGGLES that says "QUACK-QUACK, QUACK-QUACK, COCK-A-DOODLE-DO..." and they dance around like ducks. Sooo sweet! My Little Man is a genuis! And I can say that because he didn't get his brains from Jon or I.
This is an outfit we bought Dominick in Guatemala. I had forgotten about it and then remembered the other day and was hoping he hadn't out grown it before he ever wore it. He wore this to his doctor's appointment. I took him to see a pediatric surgeon to discuss having him circumcised. Because of the way Dominick is formed, the doctor recommended waiting a year to have it done. I've done a lot of research on circumcision and have given it a lot of thought over the last year and I really want it done for several personal reasons. If any of you have an uncircumcised boy and have any input, please let me know. Because I have to wait a whole year, I'm going to stay open about the whole decision.
This is Dominick's chocolate Easter bunny that still hasn't been opened. I'm scared to open it because I don't have a lot of selfcontrol when it comes to chocolate.
They are amazing, aren't they?
Alex and I were just singing the Quack Quack song this morning! (ok - I was singing it and Alex was staring at me)
We've decided to not circumcise Alex. I left it up to DH and he said no. I feel comfortable with our decision and have talked it over with our ped (and our IA ped). I think that whatever you decide, and whatever you feel comfortable with will be the right decision!
We are in the entire Circ. discussion now too. I do not want him to have to go through the pain - so I keep putting it off!! I am not sure what to do - my other 2 boys are - and I do not want him to think his "wee-wee" is wierd when he pees off the side of the boat -
He's just a little sponge soaking in everything. He's such a joy and a blessing. Glad I don't have to make the decision about cirumcision, I've read and heard the positive and negitives of both.
Okay, first of all, I am CRACKING up at Julia's comment. That visual image just makes me laugh. Funny stuff.
My DH and I talked about it, and we're pretty sure we will have it done after K. gets home. Of course, that's always subject to change, but for now, we think we will.
What an adorable smart little guy! :)
Julia you make me giggle. What a cute and smart little guy. SOphie did not like the beach either. We jsut celebrated gotcha day a week ago. Check out our blog and stay in touch
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