Sorry it has been so long since I've updated this site. I've been preoccupied with Farmville and learning to crochet...very addicting stuff!!! Things have been great, Dominick is now 4 years old and enjoying his new Pre-K4 class. We had a great Christmas at my parents' house with my family and nieces. We also recently took little man to see the show Walking With was AWESOME!!! Even if you have no kiddos and no interest in dinos, the show is super cool and anyone would love it!!! Dominick really, really enjoyed it...well worth any amount of money it would cost. Here are some randon pictures.
Dominick chillin with cousin Izzy.
A picture of one of the machanical dinosaurs in the show. Sound and light affects were so awesome!
At Dinosaur show.
A Christmas present...Lightning McQueen Geo-Tracks.
This was not a staged picture, this is how they were sleeping with Mickey (our dog) one night when I was getting ready to hop in my bed. So sweet!!!
Maw Maw, Paw Paw, my nieces and little man (who does not like to take pictures and always looks drunk unless I bribe him with candy or something).
Nicole and Dominick trying out their new skates from Santa.
4th Birthday
Dominick has to wear Saints clothes to school tomorrow so I had this shirt made for him. I had to bribe him with chocolate candy to get him to agree to a picture.