Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mine, Mine, Mine

After spending the weekend with his 3 year old cousin, Little Man will not stop saying "Mine" about everything. He was already saying it every now and then, but now he thinks it is the coolest aggravating!

Here is Little Man on his way out the door to go to school (daycare) to see his

"girlfriend" Hannah. He looked so cute I had to take a few pictures.


Rhonda said...

Awwww Dominick's got a girlfriend. I knew that wouldn't take long with that handsome face. You are right, he does look adorable in those pictures.
Amelia's favorite thing to say is "NO WAY". Her Papa says that all the time and she picked it up. Little sponges.

Candy said...

OK girl MINE, ME and NO Kyas' FAV WORDS...Ok I must know how much your chunky monkey weighed at 4 months...Jagger weighs 17lbs girl. I am SO getting my own CHUNKY MONKEY