Thursday, January 17, 2008

Daddy's LIttle Helper

Dominick is ALL BOY! It is so cute how much he loves to "help" his Daddy hammer or use a screw driver. He also loves to fill his tiny pockets with cute!!! It's so amazing and cute how boys are just boys. You don't teach them to like rocks and tools, they just naturally like that kind of least our Little Man does. He was SO excited tonight when we got a package and opened it and he saw screws in it. He insisted on getting a screw driver and "helping" Jon put together the Doggie Dooley, even though we had no intentions on putting it together tonight. Too bad for us, The Boss said it must be done NOW. The Doggie Dooley is a septic tank thingy you burry in the ground and put dog doo-doo in so that we don't have to keep throwing our 2 fur-babies doggie doo-doo into the field behind our house. Now that our puppies have their own potty I need to teach Little Man how to scoop the poop and put it in the Doggie Dooley...Just Joking!!!

Then we told Little Man that this was where Mickey and Gizmo are going to "poo-poo" and he said "NO, Baby poo-poo on toilet" and insisted on sitting on it. Silly boy!

By the way, this will be buried in our yard, not sitting on top of the ground.


Rhonda said...

I have never heard of a Doggie Dooley???? Does it eventually go into the ground or do you have to empty it?
Dominick is so cute helping his daddy. He looks like such a big man. I love these pictures of him. He is so serious and concentrating on what he is doing. He is too cute.

Anonymous said...


It desolves and drains into the ground like a septic tank. You do have to add water to it at least once a week and a tsp. of powder stuff, but that is it. I'll let you know how it works after we try it for a while if you're interested.

Rhonda said...

Oh, Adam needs one of those Doggie Dooley's for his yard. We are always throwing it over his fence too. That is so cool that it obsorbs into the ground. Where did you find it?