Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to Meeee!

Yesterday was by 31st b-day...luckily we celebrated it on Sunday because yesterday was not a good day. I woke up, got ready for work, got Dominick out of his crib and laid him on the floor to dress him and noticed blood all over the side of his face, neck, PJ's and dripping out of one of his ears. I'm not sure what it is to have a panic attack but I think I had one. I had to keep telling myself to breath. Long story short, after 4 hours in the doctor's office and pharmacy, Little Man has RSV. If it weren't for the ear situation, I would have never known that he had RSV and he would have probably ended up in the hospital. He doesn't have a runny nose and is hardly coughing...I had no idea he was so sick. I of course freaked out again because Jon and I both have lots going on a work this week and neither one of us could take off the whole week of work. Luckily my parents came to the rescue, they took Dominick to their house (3 hours away) for the rest of the week. They will bring him back on Sunday since that is when they were planning on coming into town for the Holidays. I'm gonna miss my Little Man but I know he's in good hands and he more than likely won't miss us a bit. The relationship he has with my parents is hard to explain...it sounds weird but when they are around, Dominick wants nothing to do with Jon or myself. He loves them to pieces!

For my b-day we went out to dinner and then went to the zoo for the winter lights and Jon surprised me with another Couch handbag and matching wallet. I wasn't expecting a gift because Jon just bought me a new dining room table and wedding ring a few weeks ago. I still don't have the ring, the jeweler sent the ring back to the designer and they are gonna make the same ring in my size because I didn't like the idea of them altering (cutting and sizing) the ring.

These are pictures of my class from last Friday. Every year the 1st grade students are allowed to bring blankets and PJ's and the parents are invited to come. I read the story The Polar Express and then we have hot chocolate and Santa Claus brings each child a silver bell (like in the story). Then the children sit with their parents and read Christmas books together. It's so much fun...I love my job!


Anonymous said...

Dominick is doing Great !!!!!!!!He is happy and seems to feel good. Glad he's here, however I wish that he had not been sick to come for a long visit.


Rhonda said...

I would have been scare to death too. Blood coming out of his ear. WOW!! Poor little Dominick. Your mom said she is going to bring him to work to see us tomorrow. I can't wait. I am so excited to see him again. It has been a long time. I know you miss him, but enjoy your quiet time. Believe me, he is being well taken care of and spoiled, spoiled, spoiled. But, that is what grandparent are suppose to do.

Anonymous said...

I would have freaked too. That must have been so scary. Is he on breathing treatments? Poor guy. Your parents are AWESOME and life savers, I bet he is eating up the attention from them!

Bye the way, Happy Birthday Lynn!!!! Hope you got my card.

I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Love you,

p.s. love the pics!