Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Little Rascal!!!

We still haven't sold our old house and we still have no cable or Internet access at the new house. Who knows when we will sell the old house. The people still want it and everything is fine with the title. The hold up is their loan. They are getting some type of government loan and it is a super slow process. They loss their home in Hurricane Katrina (New Orleans) and they relocated to Lafayette.

Dominick's behavior is HORRIBLE!!!!!!! I can't begin to describe this behavior to you. I'm sure it is perfectly normal 19 month behavior but it is driving us all nuts! He even got into my jewelry box, took out my pearl earrings I had bought in Jamaica and chewed them up and then brought them to me to show me what he had done. I can't even fold clothes if he is awake. He will unfold them, or lay on top of what ever I'm folding, or scream his head off if I do it on the bed where he can't reach. I tried to do a little work for school today and someone came to the door and this is what Dominick did with my tape in a matter of 5 seconds.
He pulled out the entire roll of tape, balled it up, and was walking around with it stuck to his shirt and the dispenser hanging off as if nothing had ever happened. Notie he dispenser still hanging from the tape. He knows when he's doing something wrong. At my parents' house, he swiped the white out tape from their desk in a split second and ran in the guest bedroom and started yanking out all the whit out tape from the dispenser. As soon as you take one thing away from his, he immediately turns around and does something else, such as beating the walls or dogs with his toys. I think the first word he will learn to spell is B-A-D. I'm constantly spelling that word to him. What a little rascal!


Anonymous said...

Oh but you didn't mention the best thing he did at my house, plucked two handful of my beautiful African Violet flowers and was running away with the prize. Nor did you mention that two minutes before that he had his face in the dogs water bowl, slurping up the water or the incidents that he can pull off the child proof cabinet locks and pull everything out of my cabinets. Sure keeps his Maw Maw busy and she LOVES Little Man all the more. He's just a BUSY Little Man.......All Boy for sure. Gotta Love him !!!!!!!!

Maw Maw Dee

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA! You have a naughty one, just as I do! My son, John, is also 19 months old and capable of turning the house inside out. My hope is that John can direct his energy to more productive outlets as he gets older. When my sister was young and my father was away for a year in Viet Nam, my mother remembers drawers emptied in one room and while mom was cleaning that up, my sister would be in another room emptying another drawer or two. My sister was also a climber. At the age of 9 months, she was both walking and climbing. My mother found my sister on the dining room table playing with the bobbles on the chandelier. At about the age of 4, my sister calmed down a bit, but even to this day, she has boundless energy to accomplish a lot every day. So, it is a good thing once adulthood is reached, but until then, I can sympathize!

Katie said...

My twins are 19 months and they are the same kind of T-R-O-U-B-L-E !! Hang in there it should be over soon (Ihope ) !!!

Rhonda said...

I'm sorry, but I am cracking up laughing. He is such a stinker. I put locks on my cabinet doors, but left the tupperware cabinet without so Amelia could play with the tupperware. She throws all the tupperware out the cabinet and then crawls in. I got so tired of reorganizing the tupperware, we had to put a lock on that door too. Boy, did she get ticked off when she realized she couldn't get into that cabinet. I'm waiting for her to figure out how to open the lock. I catch her examining it.
I think they like to test us. Stick to your guns.