Saturday, May 5, 2007

Week #2

Dominick is doing pretty well at the new daycare center. He cries really bad when I leave which tears me up, but they are telling me that most days he stops crying almost immediately after I leave. One day he cried for 45 minutes, which is not like him so of course I was broken hearted. About the biting, children are STILL being bitten by 2 particular children. I won't comment on Dominick, even if he did get bit I wouldn't say so on this site because I don't want my mom to know because she gets too upset. What happened is this one child started biting all the other children a few weeks ago and then one of the other kids learned to bite from him and she started biting as well. My biggest fear is that Dominick will start biting also. He is so sweet and innocent, I just hope he doesn't start that behavior. I spoke with the daycare administrator in depth and recommended that she give the parents some literature on biting and she did. Many parents do not realize it and they "play bite" by nibbling on their child's feet, hands, etc. and professionals believe that is a huge part of how children learn to bite. There are many other factors such as frustration, teething, etc. But once a child starts biting, nibbling is a huge NO-NO for parents. Also, many parents don't know the correct way to discipline their child and so the behavior continues. So hopefully the administrator can educate these parents and maybe help these children to stop this behavior.

Speaking of parents and discipline, you guys seriously would not believe the things I encounter with parents on a daily basis at school. I've been teaching for 8 years and I still am AMAZED every single day by the things I see and hear parents doing. It is UNBELIEVABLE. I have been dealing with one particular CRAZY parent on and off all year. Well, she crossed the line this week. After yelling and cursing in the office, the principal said DO NOT GO TO MRS. D'S ROOM, and she did anyway. No reason, she just decided she was going to walk her child to my door and stare at me because she felt "she had the right to do that". What is up with these people and "their rights"??? Do I have "the right" to walk in their house and give them evil looks??? Do I have "the right" to barge into their home and demand a meeting immediately and then get in their face and curse them out??? Yeah, I know they pay taxes and that pays my income. Big deal, I probably pay 10x's the amount of taxes they pay because of my husband's income. That doesn't give my the right to act like a lunatic to government employees. So anyway, my principal immediately got on the phone, called our school's superintendent, who in turn called the school board's attorney,who called a judge and now they are having a police officer go to her house and serve her with a restraining order!!!!!! The psycho-chick cannot step foot on our campus, EVER! I seriously never wished this lady any harm, but I do think it is quite funny that this ended up happening to her. Don't ask me what would happen if she needed to pick up one of her 2 kids early because they were sick. I am so lucky I have such a supportive principal and co-workers. My principal doesn't even want me walking to my car after school without a co-worker watching me because of this lunatic. And just in case you are wondering, I do not work in a bad area or bad school. It is actually a really nice area with average families ranging from very rich to very poor incomes. Anyway, just wanted to let off some steam to you guys, hope you don't mind.

I'm not posting new pictures tonight because I am too tired. I'll try to post some by Sunday night.


Anonymous said...

Haven't asked about the biting situation because I assumed you would tell me if it happened again. I really don't want to know. Makes me just want to tell your Dad to go ahead and retire so we can move close to Dominick.

Unfortunately there are so... many crazy people out there in this day and age. And they are having children and raising them to become crazy people. The only consulation I have is trusting in our Heavenly Father.

Can't wait for this school year to END!!!!!!!!! Hope you and Dominick have a terrific summer and that next school year will be better for both of you.

All my love,

JuJu - said...

Happy Mother's Day


Anonymous said...

As the mother of a "Biter" please post your recommendations for resolving this issue. We have tried everything we can think of. The daycare has been consulted and is now actively trying to help, the doctor is has been consulted, numerous websites, books, friends and anything else we can think of. Not all "Biters" are bad children OR being raised by bad parents. Sometimes it is just a phase (which is what we have been told repeatedly) So please, if you know how to resolve this, we would LOVE to hear.