Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Art Class

Below you will find another one of Dominick's art projects. However, this time I can not truthfully say that Little Man completed it himself. On day one of this project, he did fantastic. But on day two, he threw several temper tantrums, Mommy completed the rest of the project herself and we left the class early. I was sooooo embarrassed. ALL the other precious children in the class sat like perfect angels and completed their art projects just fine while Dominick laid on the floor and SCREAMED because he did not want Mommy to help him. I know this is perfectly normal behavior for his age, but for parents who have these perfect little kiddos whom are not nearly as strong willed as Little Man, I know they think I'm a horrible mommy with a bratty child. I'm sure they were all talking about me and saying "Thank God she took that big mouthed child home" when I left.

These are pictures of Little Man "measuring his car".

Dominick has always been a big talker for his age but it still amazes me how much his vocabulary continues to progress. He comes home from daycare every day and tells me all about his day. He says things like "Mrs. Amanda rubbed my belly to help me sleep, K*** pinched G****. He got in VERY, VERY trouble!...." He even tells on himself if he pushed someone or had to go to time out. Then I say "Uh-oh, well no T.V. because you pushed today" and he'll say "No Mommy, I not push, K*** push. I good boy at daycare. I watch T. V. pleeease" It's so funny.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Sorry its been so long since I've posted again. Gosh the summer has gone by so fast and we've been keeping busy. Starting next Monday, I officially have 2 weeks to get my class ready before school starts back. Here are a few pictures of what Little Man has been doing lately.

Dominick has been going to Art classes on Monday and Tuesday. This was a two day Art project and believe it or not, he made this whole picture himself (with help of course). It involved drawing and coloring, paining, cutting and gluing.

A friend's birthday party.

Fun at a water park. We spent 4 fun days hanging out with the Pop and Hunnie.

Fun with cousins. Believe it or not, this teeny tiny pool is plenty big enough for 3 kiddos. They entertain themselves quite nicely in this pathetic pool.

Dominick colors EVERY wall of the tub with bath crayons EVERY night. He loves it but Mom and Dad are getting a bit tired of scrubbing this junk of the walls every night.